
Angel Docampo adocampo at
Thu Oct 19 12:38:09 UTC 2017

Hi list,

David just invited me to the list, so I just signed in and I would like to introduce myself.

Being myself a KDE user since KDE1, right now I'm prototyping the open source desktop of the Barcelona City Council (10000 computers aprox.). The actual left-winged government wants to move to the open source ecosystem, and they hired my services to make a prototype. They gave me some specifications: it must be ubuntu 16.04, fully integrated with their backend (all kind of closed source technologies, like MS Active Directory, MS Exchange, Juniper VPN, SAP... and so). They were assessored to use MATE Desktop for its speed when someone connects remotely to the desktop. X2Go seems to do a pretty good job controlling MATE desktops.

Well, the process will be lenghty, I have been working on the prototype since February, adapting the linux Desktop to their AD, GPOs, making a prototype of a working VPN Juniper-compatible client, another prototype of a RDP for connect to RDP Desktops and RemoteApps, and basically, a custom logon script able to install any software based on AD Groups (another requirement) membership.

Lastly, I convinced them to use Plasma as the main desktop, they gave me a few weeks to show them some advance. While the main work is compatible with the former prototype, some features are missing and some troubles arise.

What they want for a Desktop, besides the functionality, is the ability to control what the user can do and see. They are used to Windows, where the common users cannot even change their background, and some others cand do whatever they want. Obviosly in a remote way and integrated with their existing (propietary) tools.

Convince them to use other stuff rather than windows servers and closed technologies are out of consideration at the moment. Perhaps if the same government is re-elected in two years, it could be another phase. On the other hand, if a neoliberal government is elected instead, rolling back the desktops back to windows will be easy, at least is what I believe IT people of the council thinks.

So, I will post here for some help and suggestions.
Glad to be here! [:-D]



Angel Docampo
Datalab Tecnologia, s.a.
Castillejos, 352 - 08025 Barcelona
Tel. 93 476 69 14 - Ext: 114
Mob. 670.299.381

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