[SDDM] Avoid suspend screen

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Thu Nov 16 15:18:39 UTC 2017

On Wed, Nov 15, 2017 at 4:22 PM, Angel Docampo <adocampo at dltec.net> wrote:
> I did noticed that if I put a background image, this issue doesn't happen. Even more, I also noticed that configuring /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf as well as /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf.user but putting a background image, when sddm returns from suspend, it shows the background image specified, but If I put the same video I put on them.conf.user or no config at all, it shows the standard blue breeze color.
> So my config is:
> /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf.user
> [General]
> background=/opt/IMI/fondos/Barcelona.mp4
> If I put a "fallback" background image on /usr/share/sddm/themes/breeze/theme.conf like
> [General]
> background=/opt/IMI/fondos/Barcelona.png
> If there is nothing on background direcitve, so a plain color appears.
> I did also notice that there are a qml file named Background.qml, which only considers two options: image and color.
>     states: [
>         State {
>             name: "imageBackground"
>             when: sceneBackgroundType == "image"
>             PropertyChanges {
>                 target: sceneColorBackground
>                 visible: false
>             }
>             PropertyChanges {
>                 target: sceneImageBackground
>                 visible: true
>             }
>         },
>         State {
>             name: "colorBackground"
>             when: sceneBackgroundType != "image"
>             PropertyChanges {
>                 target: sceneColorBackground
>                 visible: true
>             }
> I do not know if it is related somehow, but perhaps it should consider sceneVideoBackground... just an idea.
> What do you think?
> El mié, 08-11-2017 a las 12:49 +0100, Angel Docampo escribió:
> Ok, so I'm going to post it on sddm's github to let the devs know the issue and perhaps some user has faced it also...
> I know is a rare condition, when someone turns on the computer, immediatly logs on, but on enterprise scenarios is more frequent that people turns on the computer and go for a morning coffee and chat with the workmates (you know...) before they login, or on shared computers, SDDM can suspend between the time when a worker logs off and the next worker logs on.
> El mié, 08-11-2017 a las 12:27 +0100, Aleix Pol escribió:
> On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 11:54 AM, Angel Docampo <adocampo at dltec.net<mailto:adocampo at dltec.net>> wrote:
> Hi list,
> I'm having a little issue with SDDM. The end client loves the video background feature, and they made me change the corporate background for a corporate video. I've set the video as explained here without problems https://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=289&t=131783&p=364567#p364567 I also set the default lock screen on Plasma to set the same video.
> So far so good.
> But I detected that If I let the system suspend the screen and turn of the monitor, when I move the mouse and the screen turns up, then, the default blue breeze screen appears instead the video. This issue only occurs in SDDM (not in the lock screen).
> Did you guys experienced this behaviour?
> In other order of things, I do not know if this issue should be posted on github rather than here, because is not an *enterprise* related issue.
> Hi Angel,
> It seems like it would be an issue in SDDM anyway and its developers
> need to know. I don't think we have different code on SDDM and lock
> screen regarding video display (David correct me if I'm wrong), so if
> anything upstream SDDM should know about the problem.
> On the other hand this doesn't mean that it's not an issue in our user
> experience that needs to be figured out. I doubt many people have
> tested video on the background + suspending SDDM... :)
> Aleix

Yes, I would recommend not to take stuff from the forums, especially
for big deployments ;)

I created this one that we can develop further.


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