AW: secure exam mode for schools

dennis knorr dennis.knorr at
Sun Feb 19 18:38:36 UTC 2017

On 19.02.2017 18:34, Kai Uwe Broulik wrote:
> Couldn't the look and feel stuff be (mis)used for that? 

Perhaps, but afaik that would not catch the plasmoid-configuration which
plasmoids are shown in the notification area? But perhaps the
look-and-feel-stuff is extensible enough :)

and as far as i am aware, there is no possibility to import
look-and-feel-stuff via commandline for a existing user, or setting
skeletons for all users on the desktop via command line or manipulating
already existing configurations for an user?

Copying files is not nice, since we always are afraid of deleting
another configuration file which does not belong to plasma, but which
resides in a "nearby" place.

Like for example we want to "set" dolphin configurations but do not want
to touch konqueror. This particular example goes far beyond plasma as
far as i am aware. But replacing/manipulating certain configurations
with QT/KDE applications would really help with automating configuration
and therefore automated deployments without deleting existing
configurations which does not have to be replaced or destroyed.

and plasma would be at least a start where other kde/qt applications
writers could look into as an example how to do that.

> Tell Plasma to reload with given JSON config is something the kcm already allows, right? Would be worth a try.

For reloading the system.. i know of
* "kbuildsycoca5 && kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart5 plasmashell"
* "killall plasmashell buildksycoca5; kstart plasmashell"
* "kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart plasmashell"

This should as far as i know only be done, if no ones logged in. That's
okay for us, for Thomas, i do not know.
And if any of these are possible without dataloss, which is the "most
supported" for debian/ubuntu-based systems? :)


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