PipeWire as required dependency for xdp-kde

Jan Grulich jgrulich at redhat.com
Wed Apr 8 06:45:53 BST 2020


I would like to make PipeWire as a required dependency for xdg-desktop-portal-
kde. The reason is that it's heavily used in Wayland integration part, which 
is now being used on other places and I don't want to add ifdefs all over the 
place. This would be a new requirement for Plasma 5.19. I want to ask if this 
is okay for distributions. At least I know that Ubuntu, Arch, Debian, Fedora, 
openSUSE have PipeWire available in their repositories. What about others?

I would like to also point out that this brings screen sharing support on 
Wayland so it's quite important part of xdg-desktop-portal-kde.


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