How things are packaged in distributions? (was: Re: What I want from distributions)

Martin Steigerwald martin at
Mon Mar 28 11:36:20 BST 2016

On Montag, 28. März 2016 10:14:22 CEST Bhushan Shah wrote:
> Hello,

Hello Bhushan,

> Something I always wanted to understand and research was how things
> are packaged in distribution xyz. With a upstream developer hat it
> would sound pretty much odd that why I would need this information.
> But this information is really useful. Lets see examples:
> I invite distributions to add some basic information about:

I think for some distributions (almost) all of this is available already, but, 
AFAIK, not documented in one place. (People from distros just tend to know it 

Here for Debian:

> - where can I find the relevant packaging for source package

General package overview:

Thats about the starting page for almost everything else.

Actual packaging source:
(Link "Browse source code" from tracker page)

Debian changelog:
(example! See "versioned links" in tracker page)

In addition to that:

Debian Code Search ("Search all 130 GiB of source code within Debian"):

Yes, that means you can basically search *all packages* for certain build 
flags or whatnot.

> - If possible build log for your distribution

Build logs
(see "buildd: logs , checks , reproducibility " under "links" in tracker page)

> - if possible link to the page or some documentation where one can
> find how to make your distributions package locally.

Ok, thats… hmm… I basically know it, but documented? Partly it is:

General information about Debian Qt/KDE team (beware versions mentioned there 
are *highly* outdated):

Basic notes about packaging and building packages:

Whats missing in there is how to setup/use pbuilder/cowbuilder or sbuild for 
clean chroot like builds. I do have some basic idea for cowbuilder and am 
probably able to dig out whats missing.

For Debian I am willing to know what I know (and mostly mentioned here) into a 
techbase wiki page, but I´d like some advice as to where to put it).


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