How to handle KDE not respecting YOUR distros requirements?

Richard Brown RBrownCCB at
Sun Apr 3 13:10:02 BST 2016

On 31 March 2016 at 18:19, Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeiffer at> wrote:

>> (Switching hats to KDE now)
>> The main problem is that the CI system is undergoing a complex transition
>> (and IMO, too much for a single person to handle) and it's often broken due
>> to that (not to mention the quirks of the base distro used, see e.g.
>> libhybris in Ubuntu).  This is where more community involvement would help,
>> but I realize doing this is a mostly thankless job.
> Is this maybe something that openSUSE could help us with? You guys seem to
> have much more experience with CI than we do, and you have infrastructure that
> is proven to work.
> If you could support us in this are, you would of course benefit by having
> already better tested code to work with.

In terms of advice, guidance, and maybe even some help setting
something up - absolutely

Would be nice to have anyone who is interested come to the openSUSE
Conference this year [1] where I will be doing at least one talk about

We are currently also discussing the possibility of SUSE's hackweek
being the week after oSC. (It's a week where all of SUSE Engineering
get to hack on whatever they want instead of doing 'real work').
If it happens I expect an announcement soon, then I'd be willing to
spend a day or two of my hackweek with anyone who wants to take what
they've learned from oSC and apply it.
We can even use the SUSE offices in Nuremberg if the people want an
excuse to stay in this lovely city for a few extra days.

In terms of hosting though, I'm not sure how viable that is. openQA is
best placed close to the build system producing what it needs to test.
You don't want to wait hours to start testing because you're having to
sync lots of data from your build system to your test system. is therefore geared entirely for working
alongside A similar setup is used by SUSE
for the Enterprise products, and I believe Fedora's setup is similarly
close to Koji.
I understand that a big part of being a 'KDE Project' means having
your infrastructure managed as part of the KDE Project, so I will hold
myself back from suggesting that you should move all of your stuff and
use to build reference packages for this
testing... though that would be AWESOME...and you could do it
distribution neutrally given OBS can build for openSUSE, Debian,
Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch and more..hmm I wonder if the Neon guys would be
interested playing with our Git > OBS > Argon/Krypton approach..might
save them some work..

Anyway, back to topic, yes, happy to help with this as much as I can

- Rich


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