[kde-distro-packagers] Packaging KDE Telepathy 15.04 + KAccounts

Jonathan Riddell jr at jriddell.org
Mon Mar 9 16:49:47 GMT 2015

Yep probably quite a lot of demand for it, I guess Fedora will be having
the same issue.


On 8 March 2015 at 20:23, Martin Klapetek <martin.klapetek at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 12:56 AM, Jonathan Riddell <jr at jriddell.org> wrote:
>> Do you have any advice for distros which are shipping Plasma 5 but
>> won't get Applications 15.04?  The 0.9 telepathy release now misses
>> its panel applet to launch it at login.
> Hmm...the only way I see would be to write new presence applet for Plasma 5
> which would reuse the 0.9 release libs. But that applet would then load
> kdelibs4
> with Plasma, which I'm not sure if it's bad or not.
> Alternatively, a different applet could be written using only
> telepathy-qt4. It would
> loose some integration stuff but would work. I could possibly attempt that
> if there's
> some demand for it. It wouldn't be ideal but would get the job done.
> Cheers
> --
> Martin Klapetek | KDE Developer
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