Title and Caption to be read from metadata by Digikam

francois.pupier at free.fr francois.pupier at free.fr
Wed Sep 18 15:00:36 BST 2024

Thank you very much Maik for your answer.

It's OK for Title after modifiyng the settings as you said. But not for Caption (Xmp.Caption not read). I found a workaround by copying Xmp.Caption to Xmp.dc.description, which is recognized by Digikam.

The goal was to a generate Video SlideShow with Title and Caption embeded, but only the Title is embeded, not the Caption, even after selecting it.
Moreover, the video mp4 generated stops after 50 pictures. I tried with other pictures, with the same result.

Do you have an idea about these problems ?

Thank you.


----- Mail original -----
De: "Maik Qualmann" <metzpinguin at gmail.com>
À: digikam-users at kde.org
Envoyé: Lundi 16 Septembre 2024 12:41:25
Objet: Re: Title and Caption to be read from metadata by Digikam

Look at the advanced metadata settings. There you can specify which
metadata is read first for the title and caption and you can even
specify which should only be written.



Am Montag, 16. September 2024, 11:45:25 MESZ schrieb francois.pupier at free.fr:
> Hello everybody,
> “Title” and “Caption” tags can be written or modified by user in the
> righside tab, but they seem not be read by Digikam in the IPTC or XMP
> metadata (like IPTC:Title or XMP:Caption). I have 3 000 pictures with
> filled metadatas and I would like that Digikam read the metadata and store
> them in the database, to avoid to having to copy them manually in the
> rightside tab. Is there a solution to do it, for example in the settings,
> or configuration files ? Thank you very much for your help.

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