Lightroom collections

digikam at digikam at
Fri Nov 29 16:08:17 GMT 2024

DK 8.5.0 appimage on debian 12/bookworm.

I'm helping a friend converting from Windows to Linux. His main photo
app is Lightroom.  What's the equivalent of the LR collections in DK?

His catalog is organized by collections for example:

* LR: Photo trip (as a collection) ==> DK: Album
* LR: All the photos in that trip (as a collection) ==> DK: nothing to do
* LR: All the picks of that trip (as a collection) ==> DK: alt-3/picks
   but then he would need a filter to just see the picks
* LR: The best of the picks of that trip (as a collection) ==> DK:
  ??ratings?? but then he would need a filter to do a filter on both
  the picks & ratings.

In LR, by just clicking on the collection and all the filters are
applied. In DK, he would have to select the filters and apply them
each time.

Any suggestion?



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