Tags and JPEGS - reload wrong tags - suggestions?

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Fri May 17 11:37:15 BST 2024

The problem is that in order to read LR sidecar you have probably activated 
the digiKam option for "compatible sidecar filenames for commercial programs" 
to read sidecar in BASENAME.xmp format.
In this mode, the sidecars apply to both RAW and JPG files together. Which is 
bad. Therefore we also prefer BASENAME.EXT.xmp. In this case with BASENAME.xmp 
we need another option to only write/read to RAW files. I'm sure we already 
have a bug report about this.


Am Freitag, 17. Mai 2024, 10:41:36 MESZ schrieb digikam at boeziek.nl:
> Hello,
> I came from Lightroom and CaptureOne to Digikam.
> In the past I thought I was being “smart” by saving XMP files for JPG files
> in CaptureOne (perhaps even LR). Now I learned that is not the most
> compatible way to operate. I understand that XMPs are for RAW files and the
> metadata for JPG should be written into the JPG file itself.
> During adding my C1/Lightroom photos Digikam reads the JPG XMPs, correct?
> Currently, I noticed that when I change the Tags in Digikam, it gets written
> to the JPG itself. The XMP for JPG is ignored and then Digikam seems to
> read metadata from both files again. At least that is my analysis so far as
> RAW files seem to be processed correctly when changed. In this case I get
> the new tags, but the old tags are re-read everytime again for JPGs.
> In Digikam I turned OFF changing the modification date (under
> Metadata->Behaviour), and for Sidecars I have set them to write to read
> only items (thus RAW). This makes sense as I shouldn’t have XMP files for
> JPGs eventually. And is likely part of my problem. As I don’t have XMPs for
> ALL JPG’s, changing the setting to write only to XMP leads to even more XMP
> files and less future compatibility I think, correct?
> Any ideas how to fix this editing of Tags?
> The only solution I see is to remove XMP files belonging to the JPG files,
> but these are probably 50,000+ files.
> Thank you for any suggestions,
> Etienne

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