open with

frederic chaume frederic.chaume at
Tue Apr 16 17:12:39 BST 2024


Just read the initial answer from Maik (below in the this thread) , all 
is included with the correct path for the "applications" folder, and 
note this require DK8.3


Le 16/04/2024 à 14:30, Frédéric Da Vitoria a écrit :
> Hello everyone,
> I checked on my Windows 11 system, C:\Program Files\digiKam\data 
> contains no "applications" folder. I found quite a few *.desktop 
> files, but in seemingly unrelated folders (templates, themes, 
> locale...) and none of them contains the word gimp.
> When I first used the Open With option, I found no preconfigured 
> application. I got an error message which I did not think of copying 
> because I thought I would be able to trigger it again. Now, when I use 
> Open With, I get a list obviously generated by Windows, containing 
> software installed on my system and suggesting Gimp (which is not bad 
> at all).
> I would be perfectly happy using the Open With option this way, but I 
> was wondering why I did not have the "applications" folder. I have 
> been using (and upgrading) digiKam since 2020, so could this be 
> because somehow my installation got slightly broken somewhere along 
> the way? Or because I am using an non-admin user account?
> Regards,
> Le 16/04/2024 à 12:44, Andrej Valencic a écrit :
>> Thanks Maik for this additional info, I'll try this out.
>> Regards,
>> Andrej
>> On 16/04/2024 12:35, Maik Qualmann wrote:
>>> Yes, I forgot IrfanView, I'll add it.
>>> Use this directory in the user area for your own *.desktop files:
>>> C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\applications\
>>> If the "applications" folder doesn't exist yet, simply create it and 
>>> paste the
>>> *.desktop file there.
>>> Maik
>>> Am Dienstag, 16. April 2024, 08:55:35 MESZ schrieb Andrej Valencic:
>>>> Well, I tried to do this for IrfanView on my PC, but there is no such
>>>> directory on my installation.
>>>> The only place where I found *.desktop files is: C:\Program
>>>> Files\digiKam\data\applications
>>>> So I made an IrfanView.desktop file and put it in there (it's not
>>>> straightforward because of the permissions on this directory set by
>>>> Windows). Now it works and I have IrfanView in the list of "Open With"
>>>> as an option. But I guess this is going to be overwritten by the next
>>>> upgrade installation and I'll have to do it again?
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Andrej
>>>> On 15/04/2024 18:46, Maik Qualmann wrote:
>>>>> Hi Frederic,
>>>>> Yes, we already include so-called *.desktop files from some 
>>>>> well-known
>>>>> programs. This format comes from the Linux world. If the 
>>>>> corresponding
>>>>> programs are found under Windows, they will be displayed in the "Open
>>>>> With..." menu. Which DXO version do you have installed? We have 
>>>>> created a
>>>>> corresponding file for the current DXO-7.
>>>>> You can add some yourself manually by creating a *.desktop file in 
>>>>> the
>>>>> directory:
>>>>> C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\applications\
>>>>> The *.desktop file should be created in Unix text format. As an 
>>>>> example,
>>>>> the dxo7.desktop file. If you have created a working one, you can 
>>>>> also
>>>>> send it to me and we will add it to the installer.
>>>>> dxo7.desktop
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>> ------------------------- [Desktop Entry]
>>>>> Type=Application
>>>>> Name=DxO Photolab 7
>>>>> Name[fr]=DxO Photolab 7
>>>>> Exec="%ProgramFiles%/DxO/DxO PhotoLab 7/DxO.PhotoLab.exe" %f
>>>>> Icon="%ProgramFiles%/DxO/DxO PhotoLab 7/DxO.PhotoLab.exe"
>>>>> MimeType=image/jpg;image/raw
>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>>>> -------------------------
>>>>> Maik
>>>>> Am Montag, 15. April 2024, 15:54:33 MESZ schrieb frederic chaume:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Using DK8.3 on windows, I see that "open with" is coming with some
>>>>>> default application (Gimp, paint, ShowFoto). Is there a way to add
>>>>>> another application in the default list ? (in my case I'm using 
>>>>>> DXO for
>>>>>> the Raw)
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Frederic

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