digiKam 8.x Release Plan

Paul Norman paul at paulanorman.info
Fri Apr 7 03:38:30 BST 2023


I am setting up digiKam for friends and myself, and looking at

... and wanted to know please, as we are setting up 2023.03.12 7.10.0,
whether there would be upgrade issues to 2023.xx.xx    8.0.0 later when 
it is released?

Is there anything we should plan for during our current 7.10.0 setups 
and initial configuration please,
is anything becoming obsolete, or best avoided for now?

Is there a roadmap or document anywhere explaining that please, I 
couldn't see anything pointed to on the Release Plan page.?

Clicking on NEWS.8.0.0 on the Changelog page

took me to the KDE GitLab page, but I couldn't see anything relevent in 
the README that opens there yet either



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