[digiKam-users] Second copy of Digikam on Windows 7 PC possible?

Shel Ritter shelritterbmw at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 14 14:56:25 BST 2022

Hi Stephan,

Could you tell me how to start the process of starting that 2nd "First 
Run Dialog"? All my files are stored locally on my PC and external USB 
drives. As I pointed out to Gilles previously, all my attempts so far to 
create a 2nd separate database from the command line have failed so far. 
In my last attempt I tried making a copy of digikamrc as I've described 
(see below). But I've yet to get Digikam to go through the process of 
setting up a new set of database files in a new location.

BTW: That URL you point to is for this thread that I started last week.

Thoughts from anyone on this much appreciated.

On 4/14/2022 12:39 AM, Stephen Leibowitz wrote:
> How to assign a drive letter to Microsoft OneDrive in Windows 10:
> https://www.techrepublic.com/article/how-to-assign-a-drive-letter-to-microsoft-onedrive-in-windows-10/
> I suggest a separate configuration file for each collection, which 
> would have separate digiKam databases. When running digiKam, you would 
> specify the config file. It can be run with a shortcut, but it is 
> easier to illustrate with a start command:
> start "digiKam"  digikam.exe --config dkrc_work
> start "digiKam"  digikam.exe --config dkrc_personal
> You would go through a separate First Run Dialog for each collection. 
> For each collection, store the databases in the corresponding OneDrive 
> account, or in  a separate folder on the laptop (such as dk_work and 
> dk_personal). For the sake of performance, you should store the 
>  thumbnails database on local storage (the laptop). If you store 
> databases other than thumbnails on the laptop, you should periodically 
> perform a backup.
> There is a recent thread that may help:
> Second copy of digiKam on Windows 7 PC possible?
> https://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-users/2022-April/033558.html

On 4/13/2022 10:15 PM, Shel Ritter wrote:
> Well I made a copy of digikamrc, renamed it digikamrc2, and edited the 
> 4 paths to point to a test folder. 'I:\test\' where I placed a folder 
> of jpg files. Then ran the command:
> digiKam.exe --config C:\Users\<winuser>\Pictures\digikamrc2
> The same command with just .\digikamrc does launch DigiKam normally. 
> But with \digikamrc2 it opens and error window asking for the location 
> of database files:
> https://i.imgur.com/i4gZwkM.jpg
> It's expecting to see database files in I:\Test\ like the ones that it 
> created for my current installation, which are:
>  Volume in drive I is Seagate 3TB
>  Volume Serial Number is C490-6E90
>  Directory of I:\DigiKam
> 04/13/2022  09:34 PM    <DIR>          .
> 04/13/2022  09:34 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 08/10/2021  03:05 PM    <DIR>          .dtrash
> 08/07/2021  02:08 PM    <DIR>          Bob
> 08/10/2021  02:07 AM       232,562,688 digikam4 - Copy.db
> 04/13/2022  09:25 PM       245,964,800 digikam4.db
> 04/13/2022  09:34 PM                 0 dir.txt
> 08/08/2021  06:26 PM    <DIR>          NuPix
> 08/10/2021  01:46 AM            32,768 recognition - Copy.db
> 04/13/2022  09:21 PM            32,768 recognition.db
> 08/10/2021  01:46 AM       395,603,968 similarity - Copy.db
> 04/13/2022  09:21 PM       406,282,240 similarity.db
> 08/10/2021  02:11 AM     5,485,481,984 thumbnails-digikam - Copy.db
> 04/13/2022  09:21 PM     6,336,602,112 thumbnails-digikam.db
>                9 File(s) 13,102,563,328 bytes
>                5 Dir(s)  84,004,843,520 bytes free
> I've seen that error when I've failed to switch the external USB drive 
> on that holds my current library.
> I had my doubts that the 2nd config file was going to force DigiKam to 
> import my I:\Test\*.* files into a new profiles and create all those 
> sqlite db files.
> Thoughts?
> On 4/12/2022 10:58 PM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>> Le mer. 13 avr. 2022 à 07:41, Shel Ritter <shelritterbmw at yahoo.com> a 
>> écrit :
>>     So where do I get a 2nd config file Gilles?
>> Dupplicates original file and change configuration inside. It's a 
>> simple INI text file separated in sections.
>>     Do I just make a copy of the existing digikamrc file, and then
>>     edit it and change the 4 local folder paths I see there to a new
>>     location?
>>     This is what's in my current digikamrc:
>>     Database Name=<DriveLetter>:/DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Face=<DriveLetter>:/DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Similarity=<DriveLetter>:/DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Thumbnails=<DriveLetter>:/DigiKam/
>>     Can I just make a copy named digikamrc2 and set:
>>     Database Name=<DriveLetter>:/2ndConfig/DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Face=<DriveLetter>:/2ndConfig//DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Similarity=<DriveLetter>:/2ndConfig//DigiKam/
>>     Database Name Thumbnails=<DriveLetter>:/2ndConfig//DigiKam/
>> exactly...
>>     And if that's all it takes, and I set the new path to a folder on
>>     the system where the 2nd library files reside, will that avoid
>>     having to copy a whole set of duplicates to a new location as was
>>     the case for my current library?
>> Typically, yes. 2 separate databases which will not be in concurrency.
>> Gilles Caulier
>>     Thanks for your help on this Gilles.
>>     Shel
>>     On 4/12/2022 8:29 PM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>     Hi,
>>>     You don't need to install 2 versions of digiKam binary at
>>>     different places.
>>>     You will run the same binary but with 2 different config files
>>>     passed at startup. Use the right option from digikam.exe command
>>>     line for that. Create a desktop icon with right properties to
>>>     point of digikam.exe and use the right CLI options.
>>>     At end you must to have 2 digiKam desktop icons pointing on 2
>>>     different config files
>>>     Best
>>>     Gilles Caulier
>>>     Le mer. 13 avr. 2022 à 01:09, Shel Ritter
>>>     <shelritterbmw at yahoo.com> a écrit :
>>>         Thanks again to Gilles for pointing me to the correct
>>>         DigiKam config file, digikamrc in hopes to set up a batch
>>>         file for switching between to separate instances of DigiKam
>>>         in Windows. But I'm still stuck at trying to figure out how
>>>         to create that 2nd DigiKam installation in Windows to enable
>>>         switching between the two. I could rind the installer again
>>>         and select a different folder for the installation, but I'm
>>>         afraid in the process Windows will overwrite crucial files
>>>         critical to the 1st installation. Thanks for any thoughts on
>>>         this.
>>>         Shel
>>>         On 4/8/2022 12:33 AM, Frédéric Da Vitoria wrote:
>>>>         Hello,
>>>>         Sorry to interfere here, but I am new to digiKam and I'd
>>>>         like to understand. Unfortunately, the digiKam
>>>>         documentation does not seem to mention command line options.
>>>>         So Gilles, are you saying that Shel should start digiKam
>>>>         with something like
>>>>             digikam.exe --config
>>>>             C:\Users\<user>\Documents\new_digiKam_config.cfg
>>>>             --database-directory
>>>>             C:\Users\<user>\Documents\new_digiKam_db.sqlite
>>>>         and that digiKam will create a new config file and a new
>>>>         database ?
>>>>         Other question: did starting digiKam as Shel did break
>>>>         anything ?
>>>>         Le 08/04/2022 à 08:57, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>>>>>         Not at all. Yolov config file is for face recognition…
>>>>>         The digiKam config file is named digikamrc
>>>>>         Gilles Caulier
>>>>>         Le ven. 8 avr. 2022 à 08:41, Shel Ritter
>>>>>         <shelritterbmw at yahoo.com> a écrit :
>>>>>             Thanks for the input Gilles. Looking into the \AppData
>>>>>             configuration folder, it seemed like the config file
>>>>>             would have been: yolov3-face.cfg
>>>>>              Volume in drive C:
>>>>>              Directory of
>>>>>             C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\digikam\facesengine
>>>>>             10:34 PM    <DIR> .
>>>>>             10:34 PM    <DIR> ..
>>>>>             08:16 PM            28,092 deploy.prototxt
>>>>>             10:34 PM                 0 dir.txt
>>>>>             08:16 PM        31,510,785 openface_nn4.small2.v1.t7
>>>>>             08:16 PM         5,351,047
>>>>>             res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel
>>>>>             08:16 PM        67,740,572 shapepredictor.dat
>>>>>             08:16 PM             8,334 yolov3-face.cfg
>>>>>             08:26 PM       246,305,388 yolov3-wider_16000.weights
>>>>>                7 File(s)    350,944,218 bytes
>>>>>             So I ran this, expecting to see my current
>>>>>             installation boot:
>>>>>             digikam.exe --config
>>>>>             C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\digikam\facesengine\yolov3-face.cfg
>>>>>             Instead DigiKam opened as if it was opening for the
>>>>>             1st time. It just wasn't recognizing yolov3-face.cfg
>>>>>             as a valid config file, and opened as a fresh
>>>>>             installation no matter what file I pointed it to. That
>>>>>             initial window that pops up refers to, "The new
>>>>>             location for configuration files is ~/Local Settings/
>>>>>             ~(old AppData/Local/). But the only Digikam files
>>>>>             there are 2 simple text files in the root
>>>>>             AppData/Local/ folder, digikam_systemrc 45 KB and
>>>>>             digikamrc 88KB that the --config command ignores.
>>>>>             I can't see any other locations where a valid config
>>>>>             file might be. And if the --help output for
>>>>>             --database-directory <dir> is referring to a folder
>>>>>             that should literally be named dir somewhere, I
>>>>>             couldn't find it.
>>>>>             Admittedly I'm not great at the technical end of
>>>>>             things. 😉
>>>>>             On 4/7/2022 10:07 PM, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>>>>             Hi,
>>>>>>             the digiKam binary has few option from command line
>>>>>>             to switch to a specific configuration file. Under
>>>>>>             Linux it's easy to do :
>>>>>>             [gilles at localhost 8.x]$ digikam --help
>>>>>>             Usage: digikam [options]
>>>>>>             Professional Photo Management with the Power of Open
>>>>>>             Source - A KDE Family Project
>>>>>>             Options:
>>>>>>              -h, --help                  Displays help on
>>>>>>             commandline options.
>>>>>>              --help-all                  Displays help including
>>>>>>             Qt specific options.
>>>>>>              -v, --version               Displays version
>>>>>>             information.
>>>>>>              --author                    Show author information.
>>>>>>              --license                   Show license information.
>>>>>>              --desktopfile <file name>   The base file name of
>>>>>>             the desktop entry for this
>>>>>>                                          application.
>>>>>>              --download-from <path>      Open camera dialog at
>>>>>>             "path"
>>>>>>              --download-from-udi <udi>   Open camera dialog for
>>>>>>             the device with Solid UDI
>>>>>>                                          "udi"
>>>>>>              --detect-camera             Automatically detect and
>>>>>>             open a connected gphoto2
>>>>>>                                          camera
>>>>>>              --database-directory <dir>  Start digikam with the
>>>>>>             SQLite database file found
>>>>>>                                          in the directory "dir"
>>>>>>              --config <config>           Start digikam with the
>>>>>>             configuration file
>>>>>>                                          "config"
>>>>>>             [gilles at localhost 8.x]$
>>>>>>             The option "--config <config>" is the right one for
>>>>>>             your use case. Look also "--database-directory <dir>".
>>>>>>             These options are also available under Windows of
>>>>>>             course. Just call digikam.exe from a simple Windows
>>>>>>             batch script must do the stuff.
>>>>>>             Best
>>>>>>             Gilles Caulier
>>>>>>             Le ven. 8 avr. 2022 à 05:18, Shel Ritter
>>>>>>             <shelritterbmw at yahoo.com> a écrit :
>>>>>>                 I've had a copy of Digikam installed and working
>>>>>>                 well on my Windows 7 PC for some time now.
>>>>>>                 Recently I find myself wanting a separate copy of
>>>>>>                 Digikam to incorporate an completely different
>>>>>>                 library of photos. Is that possible?
>>>>>>                 I was wondering if that mcould be done by making
>>>>>>                 a copy of the \<user>\AppData\Roaming\digikam
>>>>>>                 folder, and uninstalling the program, deleting
>>>>>>                 (or just moving) the original data folder,
>>>>>>                 reinstalling it, and importing a different folder
>>>>>>                 & sub-folders from a different file library. Then
>>>>>>                 just switch the 2 \AppData\ folders when I want
>>>>>>                 to switch between libraries. I'm guessing things
>>>>>>                 probably aren't that simple. Is the any chance
>>>>>>                 there's a more sophisticated method if possible
>>>>>>                 at all?
>>>>>>                 I'm also wondering if there's any way to have
>>>>>>                 DigiKam use the existing files in the new library
>>>>>>                 instead of copying them all to a separate
>>>>>>                 location. My libraries are pretty large.
>>>>>>                 Thanks for any feedback folks.
>>>>>>                 Shel
>>>>         -- 
>>>>         Frédéric Da Vitoria

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