[digiKam-users] advanced search criteria problem

Remco Viƫtor remco.vietor at wanadoo.fr
Wed Apr 6 09:31:57 BST 2022

On mercredi 6 avril 2022 09:46:06 CEST frederic chaume wrote:
> Hi Maik
> thanks for your answer
> in the result I have some pictures tagged with "red flag", and some
> other tagged with "back color" or "white color". That's why  I excluded
> "red flag" and ad "no color" in the advanced search
> below different scenarios
>   * criteria in advanced search: exclude "red flag" and no criteria for
>     color (as you mentioned):
>       o result is ok, but I have to select "no color" in the right side
>         filter to get the expected result
>   * criteria in advanced search: exclude "red flag" and set "no color"
>     criteria:
>       o result is inconsistent : some pictures with "red flag" or "black
>         color" are displayed. I have to exclude "red flag" and select
>         "no color" in the right side filter to get the expected result
>   * criteria in advanced search: "no color" criteria:
>       o result is ok, but I have to exclude "red flag" in the right side
>         filter to get the expected result
> thanks
> frederic
That could be a problem related to the way you combine the different 
conditions. It sounds like you want

 (other search criteria) 
AND (NOT "red flag" )  
AND (NOT ("white color" OR "black color"))
that last condition would be labeled as 

or if you prefer using the "nocolor" flag (apparently not always set!)

 (other search criteria) 
AND (NOT "red flag" )  
AND ("nocolor")

but if "nocolor" is an actual label that's only set when you request it, 
the latter won't work.
And if that's true, it looks like a bug in the colour handling, 
as there then seems to be no way to remove a color label.

So what exactly do you specify as search criterium? (perhaps a screenshot on a 
sharing site like dropbox would be easiest to show it)


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