[digiKam-users] Short cuts for text editing in Digikam - are there any? How to set?

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sun May 17 18:47:23 BST 2020

You can use Ctrl + A to select everything and then delete it. You can find an 
overview of which key combinations should work here:


Look here for "Editing Key Bindings"


Am Sonntag, 17. Mai 2020, 14:31:53 CEST schrieb Chris Green:
> I just looked and can't see any way to set (or find) keyboard
> short-cuts for editing text in Digikam.
> I'm specifically after a short-cut for Delete Line as I so often find
> I want to delete (for example) the whole of a caption or title before
> retyping it.  I run Digikam in xubuntu so don't know (and probably
> don't have the utilities installed for) the KDE defaults.
> I know I can select the text with a mouse and then delete but when
> entering lots of text (and also usually having the mouse pointer over
> the images somewhere) this is not ideal.

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