[digiKam-users] Renaming a folder does not work

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sat Mar 17 14:05:54 GMT 2018

This is a locale problem that only occurs with the AppImage (different decimal 
separator, period or comma from system). Do you use MySQL as database? As a 
workaround you can start the AppImage for example as German: LANG=de path/to/



Am Samstag, 17. März 2018, 12:24:50 CET schrieb karsten_df:
> Gilles Caulier-4 wrote
> > Can you share some samples where you can reproduce the problem ?
> I've uploaded three pictures to Dropbox (too big for nabble..):
> https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s77k3wq5n0r9tpj/AABBY9Cc3nmBm2iVZmCKSKdwa?dl=0
> - DSCN8627: JPEG, position data in EXIF added by camera
> - K6083388: Olympus raw (ORF) position data in EXIF added by camera
> - K6133622: Olympus raw (ORF) NO position data in EXIF, but manually added
> in digikam
>                   (database only, since digikam doesn't write EXIF to Raw,
> with good reasons afaik)
> There are some screenshots showing correct map diplay for all three using
> the installed 5.8.0,
> plus one showing the behaviour for the AppImage (map sidebar completely
> grayed out).
> I only added one screenshot for the AppImage, as it looks the same exactly
> for the other two pics.
> Maybe I miss some configuration in the AppImage case?
> --
> Sent from: http://digikam.1695700.n4.nabble.com/digikam-users-f1735189.html

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