5.6.0 pre-release

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon May 29 10:23:38 BST 2017

2017-05-29 11:07 GMT+02:00 Jens Benecke <jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de>:
> Hello Gilles,
> thumbnails are visible, but they are not „retina display quality“.
> Direct comparison with the exact same photo in iPhoto shows that the thumbnail is displayed with half resolution.
> This is independent of whether I have my display scaled or not.
> Is it possible to make thumbnails use the full Macbook display resolution?

yes, but the thumbnails database must be regenerated from scratch with
the HdPI thumbnails settings turned on. If older DB file still here,
low resolution thumbnails will be used.

In thumbnail database file there are only wavelets thumbs stored, and
no more important information. It's safe to remove this sqlite file as
well and restart digiKam. File will be recreated.

> (Also, the GPS overlay icon is not displayed any more even when GPS information is present. The tooltip is there, just the icon seems to be invisible, maybe a packaging issue?)


I must take a look. In my TODO list.


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