Scan for new items takes ages after syncing collection btw. two computers

Andrew Goodbody ajg02 at
Mon Jan 30 19:03:20 GMT 2017

On 30/01/17 16:18, news at wrote:
> Chris,
>> It's probably because Unison updates the 'last access' date field on
>> the files and Digikam uses this to decide whether to resacn.
>> In Unix/Linux a file has three times associated with it:-
>>     Modified time - last time the file contents were changes (write or
>> append)
>>     Accessed time - last time the file was accessed (read or write)
>>     Status changed - last time the attributes (owner, permissions,
>> etc.) were changed
> yeah, that's what I came up with, too -- the digikam4.db file will
> probably have its access time changed during syncing.
>> Digikam will compare its database with one (or more) of the above file
>> times I expect.  A Digikam expert will no doubt tell us.
> But if so, I still wonder where digikam keeps record of digikam4.db's
> access time?

It doesn't, that's not how it works.

digiKam stores the path to the root of the collection in the database 
and this can look different on different systems, hence it will do a 
full rescan.


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