missing thumbails in digikam

Andrey Goreev aegoreev at gmail.com
Mon Jan 9 17:47:38 GMT 2017

I bet they will show up after you check the box "show all versions"
I have had this issue before

Best regards,
Andrey Goreev

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:42 AM, Frederic Chaume <frederic.chaume at gmail.com>

> Hi Andrey
> In table view I see all 10 correct thumbnails as before. In the thumbnail
> view, I only see 3 correct ones  (don't have any empty thumbnails )
> Regards
> Le 9 janv. 2017 18:29, "Andrey Goreev" <aegoreev at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Do you see empty squares instead of the thumbnails or all you can see is
> just the three files with thumbnails and nothing else?
> Best regards,
> Andrey Goreev
> On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Frédéric Chaume <
> frederic.chaume at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Gilles
>> will try it somewhere this week.
>> just notice that in the table view I see all the pictures with thier
>> thumbnails, problem is only in the thumbnails view
>> to Maik
>> what are the options to set ?
>> regards
>> frederic
>> Le 08/01/2017 à 23:07, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>> Ok, next stage is simple.
>> 1/ create fe fresh account on your system
>> 2/ log to this account
>> 3/ start digiKam and create a clean setup with an empty collection
>> 4/ import suspect JPEG in your collection
>> 5/ check if problem is reproducible.
>> Gilles Caulier
>> 2017-01-08 20:53 GMT+01:00 Frédéric Chaume <frederic.chaume at gmail.com>:
>>> Hi Gilles
>>> Done
>>> (but ity was working like this since months)
>>> frederic at Fred-PC ~/Images/Public/2016/2016-01_ballade_plougrescant $ ls
>>> 20160212_164025.jpg  20160212_165705.jpg  20160212_165732.jpg
>>> 20160213_103343.jpg
>>> 20160212_164033.jpg  20160212_165709.jpg  20160212_165736.jpg
>>> 20160212_164235.jpg  20160212_165723.jpg  20160212_165739.jpg
>>> and
>>> igikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/
>>> 2016/2016-01_ballade_plougrescant/20160213_103343.jpg"  : JPEG file
>>> identified
>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>> .....
>>> but no change
>>> disk space is 88% full
>>> regards
>>> frederic
>>> Le 08/01/2017 à 20:18, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>>> Nothing special here. No error reported.
>>> Just to test. Can you change a file name from :
>>> 2016-01 ballade à Plougrescant/20160212_165723.jpg
>>> 2016-01_ballade_a_Plougrescant/20160212_165723.jpg
>>> ==> remove space and replace 'à' by 'a'.
>>> Gilles Caulier
>>> 2017-01-08 20:15 GMT+01:00 Frédéric Chaume < <frederic.chaume at gmail.com>
>>> frederic.chaume at gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi Gilles
>>>> here are the trace after F5
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_165723.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_165739.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_165705.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_165736.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_164235.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_165732.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_164025.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_164033.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/2016/2016-01 ballade à
>>>> Plougrescant/20160212_164033.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>> digikam.general: One job is done
>>>> digikam.general: List of Pending Jobs is empty
>>>> digikam.general: Event is dispatched to desktop notifier through DBUS
>>>> digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
>>>> digikam.general: Cancel Main Thread
>>>> digikam.geoiface: ----
>>>> Le 08/01/2017 à 17:50, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>>>> no. there is no suitable debug trace here. When you is in suppected
>>>> album press F5 to force to refresh thumbnails.
>>>> What's the trace on the console in this case.
>>>> thumb DB is small on start because it's empty and mus be populated step
>>>> by step or with maintenance tool.
>>>> Gilles Caulier
>>>> 2017-01-08 17:21 GMT+01:00 Frédéric Chaume <
>>>> <frederic.chaume at gmail.com>frederic.chaume at gmail.com>:
>>>>> Hi Gilles
>>>>> I'm using 5.4.0-01
>>>>> proceeded as you suggested
>>>>> renamed the db and start it again
>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 402M janv.  8 13:32
>>>>> thumbnails-digikam.db.sav
>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 4,1M janv.  8 17:08 recognition.db
>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users  21M janv.  8 17:08 digikam4.db
>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 7,5M janv.  8 17:11 thumbnails-digikam.db
>>>>> unfortunately the result is the same :-(, still missing the sames
>>>>> (I suppose the difference between size will be reduced  as I will go
>>>>> trhough each folder, right ?)
>>>>> when I look at the logs from the terminal I found the lines below
>>>>> relatives to one of the picture not shown
>>>>> digikam.dimg: "/home/frederic/Images/Public/
>>>>> 2016/2016-01xxxxxx/20160212_165709.jpg"  : JPEG file identified
>>>>> digikam.metaengine: Orientation => Exif.Image.Orientation =>  1
>>>>> digikam.geoiface: ----
>>>>> Recreating ksycoca file ("/home/frederic/.cache/ksycoc
>>>>> a5_fr_ao0C4YqXkXGF5j1o5s7kezL5ncg=", version 303)
>>>>> can it help ?
>>>>> regards
>>>>> Le 08/01/2017 à 14:37, Gilles Caulier a écrit :
>>>>> Which digiKam version do you use ?
>>>>> There is no special settings in RC files for thumbnails. But the
>>>>> digikam thumbs database store all wavelets small images. Stop digiKam,
>>>>> rename this database file, and restart, it will be created from scratch.
>>>>> It's solve your problem ?
>>>>> Gilles Caulier
>>>>> 2017-01-08 13:27 GMT+01:00 Frédéric Chaume <
>>>>> <frederic.chaume at gmail.com>frederic.chaume at gmail.com>:
>>>>>> Hi All
>>>>>> when looking some collection, I see several thumbnails are missing.
>>>>>> I have for example one which contains 10 pictures (as shown in the
>>>>>> collection title and in the folder), but only see 3 thumbnails and I have
>>>>>> no filter activated
>>>>>> hopefully pictures are still present in the folder (in bold those I
>>>>>> see in digikam):
>>>>>> ~/Images/Public/2016/2016-01$ ls -alh
>>>>>> total 26492drwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 4,0K nov.  26 11:18 .
>>>>>> drwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users  12K déc.  25 12:00 ..
>>>>>> *-rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 1,7M nov.  26 11:18 20160212_164025.jpg*
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 2,1M nov.  26 11:17 20160212_164033.jpg
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 2,4M nov.  26 11:18 20160212_164235.jpg
>>>>>> *-rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 2,7M nov.  26 11:17 20160212_165705.jpg*
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 2,1M nov.  26 11:17 20160212_165709.jpg
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 4,0M nov.  26 11:18 20160212_165723.jpg
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 3,5M nov.  26 11:17 20160212_165732.jpg
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 3,8M nov.  26 11:18 20160212_165736.jpg
>>>>>> -rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 3,4M nov.  26 11:18 20160212_165739.jpg
>>>>>> *-rwxrwxr-x 1 frederic users 631K nov.  26 11:17 20160213_103343.jpg*
>>>>>> I have created a new configuration from scratch (after removing
>>>>>> digikamrc) but same result
>>>>>> thanks for helping
>>>>>> regards
>>>>>> frederic
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