dK 5.7.0 Error converting database (haar matrix)

Richard Mortimer richm+digikam at
Wed Dec 6 17:54:05 GMT 2017

Hi all,

On 05/12/2017 22:30, Richard Mortimer wrote:
> Thanks. I have set a migration off. Last time I tried it took a few
> hours so I will report back in the morning.

It did complete the migration and a cursor check says that things are there.

A few more comments below.

>>     2017-12-05 12:31 GMT+01:00 Maik Qualmann <metzpinguin at
>>     <mailto:metzpinguin at>>:
>>         I'll try with my English. I think that the current
>>         implementation solves all
>>         problems. I can now migrate my old SQLite database in circle
>>         without losing
>>         data, and it also deletes invalid entries. If we filter albums
>>         and images, we
>>         would have to check all of the following tables against the same
>>         filtering,
The old MySQL queries did filter out against albums, images album roots etc.

>From what I've read the only thing it didn't filter out was duplicate
records. I don't think it would have been too hard to do that in the SQL
queries but that isn't really needed now and erroneous records are ignored.

>>         otherwise they would fail when inserted into the target
>>         database. I bypass the
>>         problem of using INSERT IGNORE to automatically drop invalid
>>         entries.
I must admit to being very wary of doing this because it pretty much
hides any other problems by just throwing data away with no fatal error

Anyway. Thank you for taking on the job of getting rid of the last few
issues in migration. It isn't easy fixing up the consequences of old
bugs where the database was not enforcing referential integrity.



>>         Maik

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