Edit keyboard shortcuts to edit tools

Erick Moreno erickmoreno at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 19:53:55 GMT 2016

Thanks a lot, Gilles.

!- So, in this case, I need to export one schema file for each window if I
want to save my environment?

And in my case:
:~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/digikam$ ls
digikamimagewindowui.rc      imageeditorui5.rc
kipiplugin_flashexportui.rc     kipiplugin_imageshackui.rc
 kipiplugin_piwigoui.rc       kipiplugin_remotestorageui.rc
digikamimagewindowui.rc.old  kipiplugin_dropboxui.rc
kipiplugin_flickrui.rc          kipiplugin_imgurui.rc
kipiplugin_printimagesui.rc  kipiplugin_sendimagesui.rc
digikamui.rc                 kipiplugin_facebookui.rc
 kipiplugin_googleservicesui.rc  kipiplugin_kmlexportui.rc
kipiplugin_rajceui.rc        kipiplugin_smugui.rc

Should I delete digikamimagewindowui.rc? I noticed tha it was already
"removed" before to solve other issue, where the menu options didn't
appeard. Now I'm seeing it again.

Thanks a lot!

On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>

> Yes, it.
> Main window has an actions collection (action  = menu entry + icon +
> shortcuts)
> Image Editor window has a dedicated actions collection which is different
> than main window.
> It's the same for Light Table, BQM, Import tool, etc. Each window store
> the actions collection settings in a dedicated text file from your home
> directory.
> This file for Image editor sound like corrupted in your current account.
> The editor action collection cannot be shared with main window action
> collection. Editing editor actions collection from from main window in
> impossible. This have been always the case with previous releases as 4.x or
> 3.x.
> Settings text files in your home directory is located in
> ~/.local/share/kxmlgui5/digikam. Mine :
> [gilles at localhost digikam]$ pwd
> /home/gilles/.local/share/kxmlgui5/digikam
> [gilles at localhost digikam]$ ls
> imageeditorui5.rc         kipiplugin_flashexportui.rc
> kipiplugin_imageshackui.rc  kipiplugin_piwigoui.rc
> kipiplugin_remotestorageui.rc  kipiplugin_vkontakteui.rc
> kipiplugin_dropboxui.rc   kipiplugin_flickrui.rc
>  kipiplugin_imgurui.rc       kipiplugin_printimagesui.rc
>  kipiplugin_sendimagesui.rc     kipiplugin_wikimediaui.rc
> kipiplugin_facebookui.rc  kipiplugin_googleservicesui.rc
>  kipiplugin_kmlexportui.rc   kipiplugin_rajceui.rc
>  kipiplugin_smugui.rc           kipiplugin_yandexfotkiui.rc
> Gilles Caulier
> 2016-11-23 19:16 GMT+01:00 Erick Moreno <erickmoreno at gmail.com>:
>> I dit it and appimage worked fine. Asked for initial configurations, I
>> have icons, I have main window bar and that helped me to figure out the
>> problem.
>> In the past versions, the shortcut configuration tool, was capable to
>> configure ALL the system shortcuts. Now, I need to open an image with the
>> editor and only then open the shortcut configuration tool to see the
>> options I was looking for.
>> If I open the menu: Conf > Shortcut conf from the main window, I can't
>> configure the shortcut for the white balance for example. And, if I open
>> the same menu from the editor window I can't configure the shortcut to
>> export tool.
>> I this the expected behavior?
>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 3:33 PM, Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com
>> > wrote:
>>> The AppImage use your DK settings recorded on your account. I suspect
>>> that something is broken in your settings. To confirm, create an empty
>>> account and run the bundle with it. Check if all is fine.
>>> Gilles Caulier
>>> 2016-11-23 18:26 GMT+01:00 Erick Moreno <erickmoreno at gmail.com>:
>>>> I just clicked yes when asked if the appimage should "integrate" into
>>>> the system and got the same results.
>>>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 3:24 PM, Erick Moreno <erickmoreno at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I just tried the appimage version and the things are a bit worse.
>>>>> I'm on Ubuntu 16.10 running Unity desktop with global menu activated
>>>>> (the default configuration). In my case I can`t see the app menu bar with
>>>>> Edit, Tools, import, Export and Configuration options. It`s simply not
>>>>> there.
>>>>> I changed the Unity to show menus on windows titles bar, but it didn`t
>>>>> worked, the bar is not showed anywhere. Whitout the bar, I can't test the
>>>>> shortcuts edit tool =/
>>>>> Another thing is, the appimage 5.4 version runs whithout any icon. And
>>>>> whithout icons, the left menu is empty, looks just like empty spaece. If I
>>>>> move the cursor over it, I can see some smalls modifications and I can
>>>>> click to change from album view to date view, for exemple. But it looks
>>>>> like empty space without any information.
>>>>> Another suggestion?
>>>>> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 2:12 PM, jdd <jdd at dodin.org> wrote:
>>>>>> 2016-11-23 16:58 GMT+01:00 Erick Moreno <erickmoreno at gmail.com
>>>>>>> <mailto:erickmoreno at gmail.com>>:
>>>>>>     - Free rotate
>>>>>> nothing new on this, I use it all the time
>>>>>> exists in the *editor's*  config/shortcuts (appimage)
>>>>>> jdd
>>>>> --
>>>>> *Erick Moreno*
>>>>> google.com/+ErickMoreno <https://google.com/+ErickMoreno/about>
>>>> --
>>>> *Erick Moreno*
>>>> google.com/+ErickMoreno <https://google.com/+ErickMoreno/about>
>> --
>> *Erick Moreno*
>> google.com/+ErickMoreno <https://google.com/+ErickMoreno/about>

*Erick Moreno*
google.com/+ErickMoreno <https://google.com/+ErickMoreno/about>
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