5.3 philip5 packages vs. 5.4 app image (Re: Digikam 4.14.0 -> 5.3.0 - big update, some questions)

Philip Johnsson philip.johnsson at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 22:29:54 GMT 2016

Those icons shouldn't be missing as they are part of breeze icons for kde
and are global system files and not just digikam files.

Just a wild shot but could you start digikam 5 from my PPA in english and
see if that by any chance effect the icons? As my PPA combine installation
of both digikam 4 and digikam 5 on the same system there might be strange
things happening with the shared translation (mo-files) files between the
two versions. Maybe that could give odd effects like this with different


On Mon, Nov 21, 2016 at 10:43 PM, Jens Benecke <jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de
> wrote:

> Hi,
> sorry, inline screenshots seem to have got lost in transit. Here are some
> links.
> first, thank you for the packaging at all which make life easier for so
> many of us!
> Now, to do my part (help testing and report bugs :-) ): This is the 5.3
> ubuntu ppa Digikam vs. the 5.4 appimage:
> https://root.rb-hosting.de/owncloud/public.php?service=galle
> ry&t=48f6458dfb9761938c3f6f02aedb6182
> pw: gagablabla
> Differences I can see:
> - smaller default / UI fonts (more similar to my Ubuntu settings),
> - every toolbar item has an icon (with consistent styles),
> - sidebar tab dimensions are more consistent and no missing icons
> - the appimage does not integrate into the global menu but shows a
> separate menubar.
> Does the appImage use different KDE resources / defaults / config file
> locations than the PPA packages?
> Regarding video, Gilles has already replied, it seems to be an appImage
> issue (or rather gstreamer issue).
> Thank you!
> Am 21.11.2016 um 16:30 schrieb Philip Johnsson:
>> I just made an update of digikam 5.3 with appstyles support. Not sure
>> how much that will change what you are asking for.
>> When it comes to icons I can't update icons that are provided by KDE
>> framworks as that would make package conflicts. As for now I also have
>> to rely on icons that provided by the old digikam 4 as long as I keep
>> the new digikam 5 packages in parallel with the old digikam 4 packages
>> to be abled to be install in the same system as many users of my PPA
>> have requested for some time.
>> Which icons are you having problems with when it comes to your
>> installation that you see whe you use digikam 5?
>> Not sure I can do anything about play, paus and stop control icons for
>> videos. I'm not sure it's a packaging issue but maybe something for
>> developers or how QT5 is built for Ubuntu.
>> /Philip
>> On Sun, Nov 20, 2016 at 11:41 PM, Jens Benecke
>> <jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de <mailto:jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de>>
>> wrote:
>>         Hi,
>>>         I have to correct this - menu integration works but the
>>>         original menu isn’t automatically hidden. I had to hide it
>>>         manually, now the menu shows in the global menubar like it
>>>         should. So this issue is closed, at least for me.
>>>         However, I have found some others in the meantime:
>>>         * video files, pausing and skipping doesn’t work, the play
>>>         controls are disabled. I can only watch the file being played
>>>         back.
>>>         * when grouping photos by dragging them onto each other, the
>>>         popup context menu doesn’t always appear. I suspect a race
>>>         condition or something like that - when I move the mouse very
>>>         slowly and stop before releasing the mouse button, it works
>>>         most of the time.
>>>         Are these issues known?
>>>     none of that as i know...
>>     Hi,
>>     I now tried the 5.4 app image (vs. philip5’s 5.3 packages) and
>>     there are some differences.
>>     In the 5.4 appimage,
>>     - video playback does not work at all, it works fine in 5.3
>>     (without pause/repeat) and OS X (with full controls)
>>     - the icon set (for menus and buttons) seems consistent and
>>     complete (vs. missing icons and different sizes in 5.3)
>>     - the fonts look like KDE default fonts (5.3 seems to use far too
>>     large fonts for everything)
>>     - Bug #370150 regarding Geolocation seems fixed
>>     So, if I had a wish … I would like a 5.4 Ubuntu package that uses
>>     the complete icon set and sane KDE fonts (or some advice on how to
>>     set the KDE fonts on my Ubuntu system without having to install
>>     the whole of Kubuntu - or just make KDE/Digikam use the Ubuntu
>>     font settings). ;-)
>>     Philip, can you help?
>>     Thank you!
>>     --
>>     Jens Benecke - jens at spamfreemail.de <mailto:jens at spamfreemail.de>
>>     Keine Lust auf Müll in ihrem Postfach? www.spamfreemail.de
>>     <http://www.spamfreemail.de/>
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