Batch Queue Manager: Save modified images the way image editor does

NeiNei neinei at
Sun Nov 6 16:58:00 GMT 2016

Hi there,

I built a batch process in Batch Queue Manager to apply some color 
operations on the original jpg images. The modified pictures of tis 
process are saved as [file]_1.jpg . In album view I see now side by side 
two images:
-image_a.jpg (original)
-image_a_v1.jpg (modified by batch queue process)
Obviously, doubling the number of images bloats the album view.

However, I expect here the same outcome as I would do the same color 
operations in image editor. That is a stacked view where I only see the 
current image (image_a_v1.jpg) and the original image is "hidden".
How could I achieve this behavior in Batch Queue Manager?

Thanks for a hint in advance,

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