[Digikam-users] iphoto2xmp: Import album descriptions / thumbnails into Digikam

Jens Benecke jens-digikam at spamfreemail.de
Sun Mar 27 20:20:49 BST 2016


I am the author of https://github.com/jensb/iphoto2xmp and I am 
wondering how to import iPhoto <= 9.1 style "Event notes" (= album 
descriptions) into Digikam - or, better yet, into any XMP compatible 
Since the descriptions are properties of the respective album and not of 
single images, I cannot just add them to the XMP file (which belongs to 
a single image).

Right? Is there another way? Maybe creating a SQL script that can be 
executed onto the Digikam database offline? It would be a hack, but 
better than nothing ... The same goes for Album thumbnails. I would like 
to import these to Digikam. I know how iPhoto saves them but how does 

Thank you for any help!


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