[Digikam-users] digikam slow when opening an album

Luca Ferrari fluca1978 at infinito.it
Thu Oct 8 10:04:41 BST 2015

On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 10:05 AM, Gilles Caulier
<caulier.gilles at gmail.com> wrote:
> yes 4.2.0 is old. New one is 4.13.0.
> Also, look to update Exiv2 from 0.24 to 0.25. 0.24 is very problematic. To
> extract thumbnails from images we use Exiv2

I've compiled 4.12 on my machine, with Exiv 0.25 as reported below.
I've launched the thumbanil rebuild on the whole album set but after
20+ minutes the program is still frozend and the debug output reports
only the stage 2.
Is it possible there is something not working with my setup?

wholeAlbums         : true
wholeTags           : false
Albums              : 1124
Tags                : 0
useMutiCoreCPU      : false
newItems            : false
thumbnails          : true
scanThumbs          : false
fingerPrints        : false
scanFingerPrints    : true
duplicates          : false
similarity          : 90
faceManagement      : false
faceScannedHandling : 0
qualitySort         : false
quality             :
EnableSorter      : false
DetectBlur        : true
DetectNoise       : true
DetectCompression : true
DetectOverexposure :true
LowQRejected      : true
MediumQPending    : true
HighQAccepted     : true
Speed             : 1
Rejected Threshold: 10
Pending Threshold : 40
Accepted Threshold: 60
Blur Weight       : 100
Noise Weight      : 100
Compression Weight: 100

qualityScanMode     : 0
metadataSync        : false
syncDirection       : 0

digikam(14333)/digikam (core) Digikam::MaintenanceMngr::stage1: stage1
digikam(14333)/digikam (core) Digikam::MaintenanceMngr::stage2: stage2

This is the component info:

digiKam version 4.12.0
CPU cores: 2
Demosaic GPL2 pack support: Unknown
Demosaic GPL3 pack support: Unknown
Exiv2 can write to Jp2: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Jpeg: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Pgf: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Png: Yes
Exiv2 can write to Tiff: Yes
Exiv2 supports XMP metadata: Yes
LibCImg: 130
LibEigen support: no
LibExiv2: 0.25
LibJPEG: 80
LibJasper support: no
LibKDE: 4.14.1
LibKExiv2: 2.4.0
LibKGeoMap: 3.1.0
LibKdcraw: 2.4.2
LibLCMS: 2060
LibLensFun support: no
LibLqr support: no
LibPGF: 6.14.12
LibPNG: 1.2.51
LibQt: 4.8.6
LibRaw: 0.17.0
LibTIFF: LIBTIFF, Version 4.0.3 Copyright (c) 1988-1996 Sam Leffler
Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Marble Widget: 0.19.0 (stable release)
Parallelized demosaicing: Unknown
RawSpeed codec support: Unknown
Baloo support: no
Database backend: QSQLITE
Kdepimlibs support: Yes
Kipi-Plugins: 4.12.0
LibGphoto2 support: no
LibKface: 3.5.0
LibKipi: 2.2.0
LibOpenCV: 2.4.11
Sqlite2 support: no

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