[Digikam-users] First official digiKam PKG installer for OSX...

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Thu May 28 16:43:46 BST 2015

I just checked to install hugin :

:info:configure CMake Error at
CMakeModules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:51 (MESSAGE):
:info:configure   Could not find REQUIRED package Lensfun
:info:configure Call Stack (most recent call first):
:info:configure   CMakeModules/FindLensfun.cmake:33
:info:configure   CMakeLists.txt:303 (FIND_PACKAGE)
:info:configure -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
:info:configure See also
:info:configure Command failed:  cd
&& /opt/local/bin/cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/local
:info:configure Exit code: 1
:error:configure org.macports.configure for port hugin-app returned:
configure failure: command execution failed
:debug:configure Error code: NONE
:debug:configure Backtrace: configure failure: command execution failed
    while executing
"portconfigure::configure_main org.macports.configure"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval $procedure $targetname"
:info:configure Warning: targets not executed for hugin-app:
org.macports.activate org.macports.configure org.macports.build
org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
:notice:configure Please see the log file for port hugin-app for details:

macbook-pro-de-gilles-1:~ gilles$ sudo port install lensfun
--->  Computing dependencies for lensfun
--->  Cleaning lensfun
--->  Updating database of binaries
--->  Scanning binaries for linking errors
--->  No broken files found.
macbook-pro-de-gilles-1:~ gilles$ sudo port clean lensfun
--->  Cleaning lensfun
macbook-pro-de-gilles-1:~ gilles$ sudo port version lensfun
Error: version does not accept string arguments
macbook-pro-de-gilles-1:~ gilles$ sudo port installed lensfun
The following ports are currently installed:
  lensfun @0.3.0_0 (active)
macbook-pro-de-gilles-1:~ gilles$

It's broken because lensfun is not found... but is installed...

Gilles Caulier

2015-05-28 16:17 GMT+02:00 Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at gmail.com>:

> The difference between hombrew and Macports is size of data installed on
> computer. With this PKG file, built using Macports is the stage to bundle
> only necessary libraries/dependencies to run digiKam & co only. Typically
> data size is dropped from 10Gb to 0.5Gb ! This is not negligible.
> This PKG file run also pre and post script to prepare install : it remove
> previous installed digiKam from /opt/digikam and after install, it run dbus
> service and patch KDE system settings to be more OSX friendly.
> digiKam is compiled :
> - with debug symbols. It's NOT done through official Macports package,
> which doesn't work with +debug variant, and still a little bit outdated
> (4.9.0). So a possible crash will report suitable information to hack.
> - through official release tarball, including doc and translations. I
> automatized all, like this i can rebuild PKG just after a future release
> (whole process take around 6 hours of compilation under my MacBook pro i7
> 2012)
> - with last KDE libraries available. This include SystemSettings, color
> themes, and widget styles. For this one, i recommend to use QtCurves which
> give the best GUI rendering (as Oxygen under Linux). All others sound like
> bugous under OSX.
> - without KdePimlibs and Baloo support. This is too specific of KDE
> desktop.
> - without MariaDB support which still not maintained and stable enough.
> Gilles Caulier
> 2015-05-28 15:59 GMT+02:00 Tom Vincent <digikam at tlvince.com>:
>> > Am 28.05.2015 15:25 schrieb "Gilles Caulier" <caulier.gilles at gmail.com
>> >:
>> >> After a long deal with bundle building scripts, first official digiKam
>> PKG
>> >> installer for MAC OSX Yosemite is released...
>> Excellent!
>> I've submitted a patch to Homebrew Cask for inclusion, see:
>> https://github.com/caskroom/homebrew-cask/pull/11419
>> (For those unfamiliar, Homebrew Cask allows users to install binary
>> packages from the command line, for example: `brew cask install
>> digikam`).
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