[Digikam-users] OT: mail filter, was Re: best practice person tag hierarchy

Benjamin Girault benjamin.girault at nebux.org
Tue Mar 24 18:00:33 GMT 2015


This sounds like a DKIP / DMARC issue. DKIP / DMARC is a server side mecanism 
to verify that the server sending the email is the right one, and policies to 
follow in case this server checking fails. The first problem could be the 
email signing in DKIP that is broken for yahoo or gmail, but I doubt it.

The other possible problem could be that since we are here on a mailing list, 
the mails are forwarded by the ML server. The problem then is that the same 
sending address (here <user>@yahoo.com) is used by the ML server but sent from 
kde.org instead of the yahoo.com domain, such that the DKIP check fails. The 
policy given by Yahoo is to reject such emails (i.e. mark them as spam) [1].

I guess a simple test would be for Boudewijn to send an email directly to 
Marie-Noëlle. If that goes through, then it is the ML / DKIP / DMARC problem 
and there is not much you can do. Otherwise, I don't know.


[1] https://help.yahoo.com/kb/postmaster/yahoo-dmarc-policy-sln24050.html


Le mardi 24 mars 2015, 14:44:07 Marie-Noëlle Augendre a écrit :
> You might have missed or misunderstood the reason I copy/paste in my first
> mail:
> "L'adresse
> d'expéditeur indiquée est associée au domaine yahoo.com
> <http://yahoo.com>, mais les tests d'authentification de yahoo.com
> <http://yahoo.com> n'ont pas permis de la valider."
> In english, that means that this specific yahoo.com sender address could
> not be authentificated by yahoo itself.
> Myself, I don't mind checking my spam folder regularly. But I thought it
> better to warn the sender, as some other correspondants don't always check.
> As it is, I don't think we are only a few using Gmail. 
> Marie-Noëlle
> 2015-03-24 13:31 GMT+01:00 Stuart T Rogers <stuart at stella-maris.org.uk>:
> > Boudewijn
> > 
> > I am just wondering if Google does not approve of your user name or at
> > least the first 4 characters of it. I suggest you search for that 4 letter
> > word and discover its meaning in English. It is not a very bad word like
> > other English 4 letter words but it is not used in polite company. I
> > realise that your user name is made up of the famous rotary engine name
> > however the first 4 characters are somewhat unfortunate in
> > English/American
> > English (and yes I do believe they are separate languages) ;-))
> > 

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