[Digikam-users] Best method to move the complete photo collection

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 05:42:51 GMT 2015

2015-03-23 23:19 GMT+01:00  <cl at isbd.net>:
> David Lindblad <david.h.lindblad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> måndagen den 23 mars 2015 19.11.05 skrev  cl at isbd.net:
>> > Marie-Noëlle Augendre <mnaugendre at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > > Metadata are written to files if you choose so: see different options the
>> > > Configuration Menu.
>> >
>> > I think you *must* do this, write metadata to files, see below.
>> I do not think you must write to the file but you can use sidecar instead or as
>> complement. An .xmp file with metadata that can be copied to a new location and
>> enterped by DK.
> Yes, I guess that's OK too, just don't have the metadata in the
> Digikam database, it will be lost.
>> >
>> > > In any case, they are in Digikam database, that is not necessary on the
>> > > same drive as the actual files. For example, I have almost all my pictures
>> > > on external drives, but the database remains in my user folder on the
>> > > internal drive; and Digikam has always access to it, whatever external
>> > > drive is plugged in or not.
>> >
>> > Yes, but if you move the pictures the database will no longer be valid
>> > and Digikam will reconstruct it, losing all the metadata in the
>> > database unless it has been written to file as well.
>> >
>> > (I really cannot understand why anyone would ever *not* write the
>> > metadata to file)
>> DK do not handle writing metadata to some files, .CR2 par example.
> Well that's a big problem then IMHO.

not digiKam, but Exiv2 lib.

XMP sidecar is the universal alternative. After all, RAW files must
still read only as negatives...

Gilles Caulier

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