[Digikam-users] Soft proofing give no effect on the display, but did in preview mode of tools

Photonoxx photonoxx at free.fr
Mon Dec 15 09:50:07 GMT 2014

Sorry if I'm a little annoying, since I'll already post three messages  
here with no answer, but I notice something new, even if I still get the  
probel basically.

I'm now with Digikam 4.5 from Philip Johnsson's PPA.

When I open a file, configuring and activating the soft proofing still  
give no effect on the displayed picture, but, if I tried to edit it with a  
tool like "adjust curves" (not sure of the translation of "ajustement des  
courbes") and reset the curves to give "no effect", in fact, Digikam  
editor seems to take in account the softproofing option in the "after"  

If I stay in the tool and change the softproofing options, after resetting  
the curves for refreshing the preview, the "after" preview change,  
apparently in concordance with the softproofing setting.

So, as with previous messages, any help is welcomed to try to understand  
what happens and if anybody gets the same behavior..

Thanks in advance


Le Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:01:38 +0200, Photonoxx <photonoxx at free.fr> a écrit:

> I migrate to Ubuntu 14.10 64bits beta, but Soft proofing still doesn't  
> work with Digikam include in repo (4.2).
> I build 4.4 from tarball, the problem remain.
> I try with a KDE live (opensuse 13.2 beta with Digikam 4.3) but  
> activating or changing printer profile doesn't make any change on the  
> displayed image, same thing with Ubuntu 14.10 beta live and  
> Digikam/showfoto 4.2 (I test in case where migration keep some bad  
> config in my Ubuntu install).
> So, at this point, I don't know what happens. Anybody could say to me if  
> Softproofing works with their installation or if I can do more to trace  
> the origin of this issue ? Any dependencies to check or anything else ?
> Thanks
> Nicolas
> Le Sun, 21 Sep 2014 14:39:13 +0200, Photonoxx <photonoxx at free.fr> a  
> écrit:
>> Hi,
>> With new version (4.3) I try again, but there's still the matter.
>> I use for 4.3 the Philipp Johnsonn PPA, and soft proofing still doesn't  
>> work, I build my self from the tarball, and I stil have the same matter.
>> If someboby could give me some help, I appreciate a lot, if a terminal  
>> log where Digikam was launched could help, say me.
>> May be the next step will be to test in another OS cith a live CD, but  
>> I would like to understand why my system and Digikam doesn't manage to  
>> use Soft proofing.
>> Thanks,
>> Nicolas
>> Le Wed, 06 Aug 2014 23:41:38 +0200, Photonoxx <photonoxx at free.fr> a  
>> écrit:
>>> Hi,
>>> I use Digikam 4.1 on Ubuntu 14.04 64bits from Michal Sylvester PPA,  
>>> and I
>>> try to print something today, but I notice the soft proofing doesn't
>>> change anymore the picture displayed.
>>> I previously Use Digikam for soft proofing without any issue (probably
>>> with digikam 4.0 or 3.9), but now changing printer/paper profile  
>>> doesn't
>>> change the look of the picture on the screen.
>>> I try to change muy graphic card driver (from open driver to  
>>> proprietary
>>> driver) with no success...
>>> If anybody have an idea of what could happened I would be very  
>>> thankful to
>>> him/her
>>> Nicolas

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