[Digikam-users] How to stop "watermark" reducing the size of the pictures?

Jan Wolter jan.wolter at uni-paderborn.de
Fri Aug 29 08:53:13 BST 2014

I only remaining idea I have, is to send us a link to your picture and 
then we can try, if we get the same results.

On 08/28/2014 08:30 PM, cerp wrote:
> mmmm .... there seems to be quite some degradation .... the camera is 
> a recent professional grade camera, with up to date firmware. Standard 
> software like silkypix or lighzone do not seem to affect the size of 
> the files  .... it does not seem to be the case.
> Quoting HaJo Schatz <hajo at hajo.net>:
>> I'm guessing -- and only guessing -- that the cam might have limited
>> processing power and hence doesn't compress the JPEG as well as is
>> possible. The PC might have far more computing power and hence produce a
>> way smaller file (through better compression, not by degredation of
>> quality). What happened if you converted the 4.8MB file to say a PNG?
>> On Thursday, August 28, 2014, cerp <cerp at eeos.biz> wrote:
>>> There seems to be a reduction of quality.
>>> Why, what are you thinking of?
>>> Best
>>> Quoting HaJo Schatz <hajo at hajo.net>:
>>>  Is there really a loss of quality or only a reduction of size?
>>>> On Thursday, August 28, 2014, cerp <cerp at eeos.biz> wrote:
>>>>  No, digikam still reduces the pictures from 4.8Mb to 1.8 Mb, with the
>>>>> consequent loss of quality / details. It happens not only when I 
>>>>> apply
>>>>> watermark but any other batch tool.
>>>>> Quoting Jan Wolter <jan.wolter at uni-paderborn.de>:
>>>>> Yes, thats true. Does this settings have a positive impact to the 
>>>>> quality
>>>>>> of your edited pictures?
>>>>>> On 08/28/2014 12:11 PM, cerp wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear Jan,
>>>>>>> I have set JPEG quality = 100 and chroma sub sampling = none, that
>>>>>>> should be maximum quality correct?
>>>>>>> Quoting Jan Wolter <jan.wolter at uni-paderborn.de>:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>> I guess that your images are generally (independent from the added
>>>>>>>> watermark) not saved with maximal quality. Check your settings 
>>>>>>>> under
>>>>>>>> menu
>>>>>>>> Settings -> Configure digiKam -> Saving Images.
>>>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>> On 08/28/2014 09:43 AM, cerp wrote:
>>>>>>>>  Dear all,
>>>>>>>>> We use the watermark function to add the copyright in the bottom
>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>>> corner of the pictures.
>>>>>>>>> The pictures are taken using in camera jpeg generation, which
>>>>>>>>> normally
>>>>>>>>> has very high quality.
>>>>>>>>> When we watermark in digikam, it reduces the size of the jpeg 
>>>>>>>>> file
>>>>>>>>> from approximately 4Mb to 1.8Mb with a considerable loss of 
>>>>>>>>> quality.
>>>>>>>>> We
>>>>>>>>> have tried setting all the parameters we could think, but without
>>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>>> able to stop this behavior. What I would like is the original
>>>>>>>>> picture with
>>>>>>>>> the watermark saved at the same resolution without additional
>>>>>>>>> compression
>>>>>>>>> .... how do I achieve it?
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your help.
>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>>> Corrado & Rina
>>>>>>>>> r
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  Jan Wolter, M.Sc.        | e-mail: jan.wolter at uni-paderborn.de
  Universitaet Paderborn   | http://ag-kastens.cs.upb.de/jwolter
  Fakultaet EIM/Informatik | Office: F2.303
  Fuerstenallee 11         | Phone:  +49 5251 606683
  33102 Paderborn, Germany | Fax:    +49 5251 606697

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