[Digikam-users] Workflow details not saving

Jeff jeff.list at harmonydrive.com
Tue May 14 18:58:22 BST 2013

Below the original message is the contents of the queue.xml file.  Values
appear to be getting stored as boolean when they should most definitely be

On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 1:48 PM, Jeff <jeff.list at harmonydrive.com> wrote:

> I created a workflow that takes CR2 files and processes them through a BCG
> correction, Sharpen, Resize, and Convert to JPEG.  The workflow works great
> while I'm using it and I can save it and load the settings from it and
> they're all retained.
> However, once I close digiKam and reopen it later, while the assigned
> tools are correct their values were not retained.  Brightness is +100,
> contrast is 0, Gamma is 1.00. Sharpen is Radius 1.00, Amount 1.00,
> Threshold 1.00 (the highest possible) though it has retained the Unsharp
> mask option.  Resize is set to 10px.
> Is there something I'm doing wrong?  Some setting I'm not using correctly
> or files that don't have the right permissions?
> I'm using 3.1.0 KDE 4.10.2 on Ubuntu 12.04 attaching to a MySQL database.
<queuelist version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" client="digikam">
        <queuetitle value="test_workflow"/>
        <queuedesc value=""/>
        <renamingparser value=""/>
        <useoriginalalbum value="1"/>
        <workingurl value=""/>
        <conflictrule value="1"/>
        <renamingrule value="0"/>
        <rawloadingrule value="1"/>
            <autobrightness value="1"/>
            <sixteenbitsimage value="0"/>
            <brightness value="1"/>
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            <outputcolorspace value="1"/>
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            <dontstretchpixels value="0"/>
            <unclipcolors value="0"/>
            <whitebalance value="1"/>
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            <enableblackpoint value="0"/>
            <blackpoint value="0"/>
            <enablewhitepoint value="0"/>
            <whitepoint value="0"/>
            <noisereductiontype value="2"/>
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            <whitebalanceareaheight value="0"/>
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            <nrchrominancethreshold value="100"/>
            <expocorrection value="0"/>
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            <expocorrectionhighlight value="0"/>
            <toolname value="BCGCorrection"/>
            <toolgroup value="3"/>
            <index value="0"/>
            <version value="1"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="Brightness"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="Contrast"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="Gamma"/>
            <toolname value="Sharpen"/>
            <toolgroup value="4"/>
            <index value="1"/>
            <version value="1"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="RefocusCorrelation"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="RefocusGauss"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="RefocusMatrixSize"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="RefocusNoise"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="RefocusRadius"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="SharpenFilterType"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="SimpleSharpRadius"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="UnsharpMaskAmount"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="UnsharpMaskRadius"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true"
            <toolname value="Resize"/>
            <toolgroup value="5"/>
            <index value="2"/>
            <version value="1"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="LengthCustom"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="LengthPreset"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="UseCustom"/>
            <toolname value="Convert2JPEG"/>
            <toolgroup value="8"/>
            <index value="3"/>
            <version value="1"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="Quality"/>
            <parameter type="bool" value="true" name="SubSampling"/>
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