[Digikam-users] database on laptop and server/NAS

Manuel Bock mbs at mbsnet.de
Wed Sep 12 09:56:31 BST 2012

For filtered dia shows I have a digikam instance running on a small PC 
attached to the TV, that accesses the server's database. I wonder, if 
accessing a central mysql db could also be the solution for other, read only 
apps, accessing the digikam vault of pictures. But even then, there remains my 
initial problem or question:

How do I work offline with digikam (out of the LAN, internet connection too 
slow or simply not available) and how do I import the advanced meta data 
afterwards, currently not  stored  in the picture file's meta data or it's 
side cart?

Is there an easy way to dump the server's mysql db for import into the laptops 
sqlite's and vice versa? How do I synchronize the corrsponding file structure, 
when the laptop is not capable of holding all pictures?

Since there seems to be a cryptographic hash used for the uniqueHash, Ben 
asked for, there might be chance of writing the script he proposes. Still 
conflict resolution is to be determinded. I guess, this could also be used for 
bringing over non-destructive editing or versioning information?

My proposal to extend the "Export to .." and "Import from another computer" 
function to use a side cart for holding the currently missing meta data would 
leave the conflict resolution transparently with the user and would help round 
up  the user experience again:

* When I am importing files, the meta data contained in those pictures gets 
added to my DB.

* Exporting and importing things form digikam, a user would expect, this 
covers all the meta data. he entered (wearing my Mac glasses currently ;-))

* Surprisingly, parts of it gets lost, and I have to have at least a partly 
understanding of the data structure or digikam's history to understand what 
will get lost.

* For control freaks or data sharing with others, there could even be the a 
granualar setup, which meta data to in/exclude ;-)

* a new person will be imported as a new tag, and a detected/marked face could 
be added as well, the different image files are already imported, the 
additional non-destructive editing steps would be imported and the revisioning 
relation could be imported as well

* if I import pictures as duplicates, I can use find duplicates - I mean: it 
was my fault, so I have to do cleaning up (I can even import picture from a 
camera twice)

Would it be a big effort to implement that meta data export/import add-on? 
Does it make sense to add this to the wish list? Is the proposed 
external/internal script a better solution, or is yet another, better approach 
already coming up?


Am Dienstag, 11. September 2012, 22:33:44 schrieb Gilles Caulier:
> 2012/9/11 Ben Staude <sben1783 at yahoo.de>:
> > Am Montag 10 September 2012 schrieb Gilles Caulier:
> >> 2012/9/10 Ben Staude <sben1783 at yahoo.de>:
> >> > Am Montag 10 September 2012 schrieb Gilles Caulier:
> >> >> 2012/9/10 Ben Staude <sben1783 at yahoo.de>:
> >> >> > Am Freitag 07 September 2012 schrieb Manuel Bock:
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > [...]
> >> >> > 
> >> >> >> Is there a new way or best practice to "export/import
> >> >> >> to/from another digikam instance" that I missed or what
> >> >> >> other way is the best practice to transfer as much
> >> >> >> information as possible between two different digikam
> >> >> >> databases?
> >> >> > 
> >> >> > Generally speaking, I think this sort of issues will become
> >> >> > more and more important for digikam, as images move to NAS
> >> >> > devices, people use tablets and so on... The setup "one PC,
> >> >> > one OS, one HDD" is not the typical one for the future. We
> >> >> > should plan for an (Android|iOS)-app for use with the
> >> >> > digikam database...!
> >> >> 
> >> >> With 3.0.0, a new DLNA export tool have been created. Run
> >> >> digiKam from your host computer export desired album through
> >> >> DLNA, and that all. image are now visible on your tablet
> >> >> (install right DLNA support application from store of course),
> >> >> or on your connected TV.
> >> > 
> >> > That's very good to hear! But that creates the need for digikam
> >> > running on my NAS!? The images are there, the database is (i.e.,
> >> > will be) there, so it's no fun to turn on the PC just to have
> >> > digikam load the images from the NAS and send it to the tablet.
> >> 
> >> Well, it's simple. on your NAS, if it run under Linux, install
> >> miniDLNA. that all.
> > 
> > No problem, right now I just use an nfs export. But - like miniDLNA -
> > this is not aware of all the data that's stored in the digikam DB:(
> > 
> >> On mine, an Excito B" NAS server, it's done automatically :
> >> 
> >> http://www.excito.com/node/9
> >> 
> >> > The NAS is right there to do such things:) Another
> >> > issue: can you do things like filter via tags (only stored in
> >> > digikam's database) via DLNA?
> >> 
> >> On digiKam DLNA tool, it's yet done, but planed.
> > 
> > That's where digikam has to be run on my desktop pc again:( I wonder
> > what the best solution would be to use the data in the digikam DB
> > without a full digikam installation (like on a tablet). First step
> > could be read-only ("filter by tag to show only certain images to
> > friends on the tablet"), second step "use tablet even to assign tags
> > while browsing images on the couch")... Android app? Web interface run
> > on the NAS? Need to write everything into the files and can't use any
> > of the advantages of the (already existing) database (like performance
> > when filtering...)
> > 
> >> > Very interesting subject, also slightly off topic in this
> >> > thread...
> >> > 
> >> > Can you give some details about how the uniqueHash is created?
> >> 
> >> uniqueHash of what ?
> > 
> > The uniqueHash that is stored in the "Images" table. I think this is
> > used by digikam to identify images that, for example, have moved to
> > another path since the last start of digikam (so that metadata won't be
> > lost)?
> Look here :
> https://projects.kde.org/projects/extragear/graphics/digikam/repository/revi
> sions/master/entry/libs/dimg/loaders/dimgloader.cpp#L308
> Gilles Caulier
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