[Digikam-users] database on laptop and server/NAS

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Sep 10 15:23:36 BST 2012

2012/9/10 Ben Staude <sben1783 at yahoo.de>:
> Am Freitag 07 September 2012 schrieb Manuel Bock:
> [...]
>> Is there a new way or best practice to "export/import to/from another
>> digikam instance" that I missed or what other way is the best practice to
>> transfer as much information as possible between two different digikam
>> databases?
> Generally speaking, I think this sort of issues will become more and more
> important for digikam, as images move to NAS devices, people use tablets and
> so on... The setup "one PC, one OS, one HDD" is not the typical one for the
> future. We should plan for an (Android|iOS)-app for use with the digikam
> database...!

With 3.0.0, a new DLNA export tool have been created. Run digiKam from
your host computer export desired album through DLNA, and that all.
image are now visible on your tablet (install right DLNA support
application from store of course), or on your connected TV.

i do it at home with my Sony Bravia TV which support DLNA by default,
or with my iPad with Media::Connect application.


Gilles Caulier

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