[Digikam-users] Ratings, keywords missing from RAW to JPG outside Digikam 2.5. (Linux, Opensuse 11.4)

Marie-Noëlle Augendre mnaugendre at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 20:53:03 GMT 2012

I don't think metadata are actually written in RAW files.


2012/3/9 Peter Mc Donough <mcd-mail-lists at gmx.net>

> Hi
> I added some ratings and keywords to DNG-RAW files and expected them to
> show up in JPGs later.
> JPGs produced with Digikam did show ratings and keywords.
> The same RAW files opened with showFoto did neither show ratings nor
> keywords.
> The same when processing the raw files with the UFRaw/Gimp combination: no
> keywords in JPGs. I didn't expect ratings.
> Ratings and keywords are set in the Digikam configuration file.
> What am I missing?
> System: Linux (Opensuse 11.4), Digikam 2.5.
> CU
> Peter

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