[Digikam-users] Import speed, is it really that slow?

Carl McGrath cmcgrath5035 at comcast.net
Sat Feb 4 19:54:33 GMT 2012

Assuming you have reasonable hardware, something is wrong with the install.
At least when compared to a native Linux install (SuSE 11.4 in my case).
I do not have DK on Windows experiencefor comparison.

While here, I will also observe that when importing from SD cards, USB 
is a significant contributor to normal delay.
I'll estimate that USB3 with a USB3 reader is 2x plus(faster) over same 
card in a USB2 setup.

On 02/04/2012 12:08 PM, buedi wrote:
> As an addition to my intial Post:
> On  Import  and  on  other  activities  within digiKam the Application
> sometimes  does not respond. It seems to go to lunch for 10-15 seconds
> sometimes.  I  used  the Installer from Sourceforge (I did not install
> KDE  4  Win  manually).  Maybe  somethingĀ“s  fishy  with the KDE 4 Win
> environment  causing  these  lock  ups? It seems like this is also the
> reason why the Import takes so long.
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