[Digikam-users] burned zone in RAW file, but not in jpeg

Milan Zamazal pdm at zamazal.org
Sat Aug 18 09:44:59 BST 2012

Here is an example script I now use for raw conversion.  It's a little
tricky due to the fact that both ImageMagick and netpbm contrast
stretching tools are buggy and can't be used directly on my system.
Please note this is just an example how things can be done and you'll
probably need to set different parameters at least for your camera and
needs.  It's also possible I do something stupid in the script, but it
produces good enough results for me, except for exposure correction
which is better to perform manually than trying to apply naive

Actually only very little highlight and darkness clipping is needed,
I'll file a wishlist bug about it.

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