[Digikam-users] Choose another ICC profile for converting pictures

Milan Knížek knizek.confy at gmail.com
Fri Oct 7 19:26:31 BST 2011

V Fri, 7 Oct 2011 18:00:01 +0200
Marcel Wiesweg <marcel.wiesweg at gmx.de> napsáno:

> > If it's easy to enable soft-proofing in Digikam with any ICC
> > profile you want (for instance photoweb-V4.icc), in the color space
> > convertion tool, you only can choose the default kdcraw profiles
> > (ie sRGB, Adobe RGB, Wide Gamut and Kodak Prophoto RGB) and the
> > screen profiles installed on the system, but not another profile
> > like photoweb-V4.icc (even if its placed in the same folder than
> > the others profiles).  
> It's a matter of a single line of code to add output profiles to the
> combo box as well. Question to the expertise assembled in this list:
> Should we do it?

I vote for it.

I addition to the editor, it might make sense to have this function
also part of the "export" plugins - some may have ProPhoto/AdobeRGB
as default workspace and sending images out to other users/web/whatever
in these wide gamut spaces is usually not a good idea. Though, it might
be more then a single line of code then :-)


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