[Digikam-users] Re: Albums disappeared

Rainer Dorsch rdorsch at web.de
Wed May 11 13:14:37 BST 2011


thanks for you quick reply.

The data you mention look good for me:

rd at blackbox:~$ grep -i path /home/rd/.kde/share/config/digikamrc
Album Path[$e]=$HOME/Rohdaten/digiKam                                                                                                                       
Database File Path=/home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam/                                                                                                               
rd at blackbox:~$ ls -l /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam
lrwxrwxrwx 1 rd rd 39  8. Mai 15:04 /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam -> 
rd at blackbox:~$ ls -l /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam/digikam4.db                                                                                                  
-rw-r--r-- 1 rd rd 3770368 11. Mai 13:53 /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam/digikam4.db                                                                              
rd at blackbox:~$ 

The interesting thing though is when I start on the cmd line, I get a message:

digikam(18489)/digikam (core) Digikam::CollectionScanner::scanAlbum: Folder 
does not exist or is not readable:  "/mnt/disk/home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam" 

Digikam uses rd instead of rd.disk(!)

In fact the symlink pointed to that directory some time before. Seems digiKam 
did resolve that link and stored the real path instead of the one I specified 
(including symlinks). Now that I change the symlinks, digiKam is in trouble 
(and with that me or other users).

Do you know, where digiKam stores this information?

rd at blackbox:~$ grep -i mnt /home/rd/.kde/share/config/digikamrc
rd at blackbox:~$

rd at blackbox:~$ grep -iR mnt /home/rd/.kde/share/apps/digikam
rd at blackbox:~$ 

This worked for me as workaround:

Added temporary link
rd at blackbox:/mnt/disk/home/rd$ ln -s ../rd.disk/Rohdaten/ .

Start digiKam
rd at blackbox:/mnt/disk/home/rd$ digikam 

What is strange that digiKam starts up with the Album structure shown in the 
appended screenshot i.e. /mnt/disk/home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam somehow got into 
the album structure... (?)

Does anybody know how I can get rid of that?


Am Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2011 schrieb sleepless:
> If you moved the databases.
> You might give this a try:
> go to /home/your_user_dir/.kde/share/config and open digikamrc in gedit
> change the two rows with ¨Database Name¨ to the new place of your databases
> Dont forget to make a copy of digikamrc first and watch carefully
> upper/lowercase
> save the file and you might be lukky.
> If you ment you moved the photos itself, you should do that within
> digikam to avoid problems.
> regards
> Rinus
> Op 11-05-11 12:56, Rainer Dorsch schreef:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I moved my digikam Albums dir on another disk and replaced it with a
> > symbolic link to the other disk (Debian Linux, 6.0, digiKam 1.2.0).
> > After starting DigiKam, it started with empty albums.
> > 
> > The digiKam database and all the files are still there and accessible
> > through the symlink:
> > 
> > rd at blackbox:~/tmp.nobackup/flashbench$ file
> > /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam/digikam4.db
> > /home/rd/Rohdaten/digiKam/digikam4.db: SQLite 3.x database
> > rd at blackbox:~/tmp.nobackup/flashbench$
> > 
> > Any comment what I could check or what could have gone wrong are very
> > welcome.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Rainer
> > 
> > 
> > 
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Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
email: rdorsch at web.de
jabber: rdorsch at jabber.org
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu/
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