[Digikam-users] Re: Tag Inheritance

gerlos gerlosgm at gmail.com
Sat Feb 19 10:30:08 GMT 2011

Il giorno 15/feb/2011, alle ore 22.19, davidvj ha scritto:

> If I Tag or add other data to a raw file, would it not be reasonable that the
> Tag data is inherited by the processed offspring from that raw file?
> I normally globally tag a folder prior to working on the files ... 

It seems to me that this is the default behavior, but I'm not on my "darkroom pc" ;-) and can't verify at the moment: if I tag a RAW file and then process and export it to JPEG or PNG, I see the same tags (and ratings) on the JPEGs/PNGs.

Did you experienced problems with this feature?


"Life is pretty simple: You do some stuff. Most fails. Some works. You do more
of what works. If it works big, others quickly copy it. Then you do something
else. The trick is the doing something else."
           < http://gerlos.altervista.org >
 gerlos  +- - - >  gnu/linux registred user #311588

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