[Digikam-users] Not completely but a bit off topic question: looking for texteditor with macro capabillity
sleeplessregulus at hetnet.nl
Mon Aug 29 20:35:09 BST 2011
One more question. I can imagine that someone got annoyed by this
discussion in the wrong place, so I decided not to go on with it. But
maybe someone has a great tip where to discuss bash scripting and maybe
after that emacs. After all I need to stay productive in Linux and
eventually I want to do whatever comes in my mind, as I could in good
old dos, with just a snap of my fingers
I have been looking around but could not all by myself really find what
fits my needs. For example: fora where questions have 678 views and zero
answers, or fora only suited for people who have been digging in to
Linux for years.
Thanks you all for all the help, you got me realy on the track, but
there is still a long way to go.
Op 27-08-11 11:54, sleepless schreef:
> Hi all,
> There is so much knowledge around here that I give it a try, i hope
> the moderater will let me.
> I have been using for about 25 years PE.exe. This is a programmers
> texteditor from word perfect.
> for example you could do in dos ¨dir > dir.lst
> open the document pe dir.lst
> it shows for example
> a list of
> d:\foto\digikam\photo.jpg
> then very easy make a macro to put in front ¨move ¨ ¨
> then search for ¨\¨ then block and search twice again for ¨\¨
> than copy the ¨\foto\digikam\¨ part
> put at the end of the row ¨¨ O:\and paste
> and add copiedphoto.jpg
> now you have something like
> move ¨d:\foto\digikam\photo.jpg¨ ¨O:\foto\digikam\photo.jpg¨
> and you can apply it to all rows.
> make it a batch file and execute.
> wow!
> And as you all know by now, I am after saying goodby to windows, this
> is the next problem to tackle.
> Yes, it is a horrible example, but how do linux people do things like
> that?
> You can do things to an amazing extend of complexity. I used this
> very much to get things done that no program in the world ever could.
> Thanks in advance for tips.
> Rinus
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