[Digikam-users] Compiling digiKam with emerge - was Compiling 1.0.0 for KDE 4.3.4 for Windows

Peter Shute pshute at nuw.org.au
Fri Jan 15 01:09:25 GMT 2010

Andrew Goodbody wrote on Thursday, 14 January 2010 7:44 PM:

> Peter Shute wrote:
>> But now I have what I assume are compilation arrors, and I'm not sure
>> what to do.  Here are some sample compilation errors, there are
>> hundreds of similar ones: 
>> release/moc.o:moc.cpp:(.text+0x14b): undefined reference to `QByteArray::shared_null'
>> release/moc.o:moc.cpp:(.text+0x150): undefined reference to `QByteArray::shared_null'
>> release/moc.o:moc.cpp:(.text+0x156): undefined reference to `QByteArray::shared_null'
>> All I'm doing is typing "emerge digikam" and letting it do its thing.
> Which compiler are you using? I gave up on msvc. I was getting link
> errors in strigi that seemed to come from differing interpretations
> of wchar_t to that used in clucene. I am now using mingw4 and it is
> in the middle of compiling webkit in qt. It seems to have
> successfully compiled moc.cpp as there is a matching object file for
> it.     

I'm using mingw4.
> I set my path empty before calling kdeenv.bat just to avoid any
> possibility of rogue tools in the path. 

I just tried that, with the same result.  I'm not sure what to try next.
The files that are giving arrors are:
I don't know what these are, but they sound important.

Did your compilation finish successfully?  If so, how long did it take?

Just fooling around trying things, I ran "emerge digikam-support".  It fails because it can't find http://saroengels.net/kde-windows/gnuwin32/digikam-support-0.2.0.tar.bz2.  It appears that in saroengels.net/kde-windows the directory gnuwin32 doesn't exist.  I don't know if this is related to the compilation problem.

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