[Digikam-users] Compiling 1.0.0 for KDE 4.3.4 for Windows

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Tue Jan 12 02:45:54 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Peter Shute schrieb:
> I'm starting from scratch on a different computer so I can play with this without worrying about losing any data.  I'm trying to follow the instructions at http://www.digikam.org/drupal/node/402.  Can anyone please explain why this isn't working for me?
> The first difference I see compared to the screen shots in those instruction is at the second step.  The screen shots show a choice of  MinGW or MSVC compilers.  But I get a choice of MinGW4, MinGW, or MSVC 32 bit.  The instructions say to choose MinGW, so that's what I did.  Is that correct?
Well, I would recommend to use mingw4 instead if you want to use the
Open Source compiler
> At the 4th step (i.e. 4th row of screen shots) it says to select the gcc-minw compiler from the devel-tools, but the closest thing I see is just called gcc.  Is that correct?
You can use either this compiler, or simply use the latest compiler from
> Then it suggests I could include the pre-compiled digiKam from the KDE group, but it isn't there.  It says this is optional and doesn't, but this makes me worried now.
> It says to download kdebase, kdeedu, kdelibs, kdepimlibs, and kdesdk from the KDE grouip.  None of these are there, so I can't even proceed by guessing.
Yeah, this is because mingw (gcc 3.4.5) is to old and no new packages
are provided anymore. This will change if you switch to mingw4.
> Any suggestions, anyone?  Should I be using a different compiler now?  If I choose MinGW4 or MSVC 32 bit I can find kdebase-apps, kdebase-runtime and kde-workspace. Are they, or one one them, the equivalent of kdebase?  In either case, kdesk is still not available.
The package you are looking for is kdebase-runtime. The other two are of
no interest when compiling digikam.
The kdesdk package should be there, if not please note here which mirror
you are using.
> I'm out of my depth here, so I feel that trying to guess my way any further is not going to be successful.

Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (MingW32)


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