[Digikam-users] New issue with NEF metadata edit and CaptureNX

Photonoxx photonoxx at free.fr
Mon Nov 23 14:47:48 GMT 2009


I have may be something new !

I have build and  instal Exiv2, Kdegraphics libs, Digikam and Kipiplugins  
 from SVN. The first test give the same matters, but continuing tests, I  
notice the MakerNotes:colorhue is absent from the edited NEF.

In the original file, this tag is set with the value "MODE3" (case  
sensitive), and if I set with exiftool an other value like "mode3" or  
anything else than MODE(1,2,or 3), the file can't be opened by CaptureNX,  
if i set back MODE(1,2,or 3) value, CaptureNX succed to open it !!

I try to add this tag to a digikam edited Nef file, but exiftool seems to  
don't wan't to create this particular, but if I'm copying it from the  
original file, I succeed to open it again in CaptureNX.

Now, I have no idea from where come this matter, and I have to verify on  
other file if it's working or if if it works only for this particular file.

Kind regards


Le Sun, 22 Nov 2009 20:10:18 +0100, Gilles Caulier  
<caulier.gilles at gmail.com> a écrit:

> 2009/11/22 Photonoxx <photonoxx at free.fr>:
>> What I don't understand is we have mostly the same component version...
>> Libexiv 0.18.2, digikam 1.0.0-beta5, libkexiv2 0.6.0
>> But i have some matters. May be I have to use Digikam from SVN, but I
>> would hope, with ubuntu 9.10 I don't have to for writing Raw metadata...
>> For the makernote i don't know, may be it's because I try to Tag it with
>> ViewNX (hoping it cans restore it), but anyway it's not wanted by me.
>> I have try to look an other NEF example most recent for which i still  
>> have
>> the NEF out of the camera, and makernote seems the same. In exif, the  
>> bad
>> file have mainly two new and "big" entries, one named XML packet and an
>> other named IPTC/NAA. for other they're the same, with sometime  
>> differents
>> values.
>> So for the moment I dont know what to do...
>> May be I'm going to try to Build Digikam and Exiv2 from SVN, but it's  
>> not
>> what I prefer to do.
> This is not very complicated. Resolve all dependencies (look in README).
> An important part here is libkexiv2 from kdegraphics.
> Gilles Caulier

Nicolas Boulesteix - Chasseur de lueurs - http://www.photonoxx.fr

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