[Digikam-users] Folder structure

gerlos gerlosgm at gmail.com
Wed Jan 28 18:36:13 GMT 2009

Brendan ha scritto:
> On Wednesday 28 January 2009, Chris G wrote:
>> On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 11:23:09AM +0100, Allan Dreyer Andersen wrote:
>>> Hey all
>>> I'm a new user of Digikam (and DSLR for that matter too) and found it
>>> very easy to use but sure there still much to learn :-)
>>> I'm wondering, how do you organize your pictures on a folder level? Do
>>> you use dates and handle everything within Digikam or do you create a
>>> folder for every event and handle the rest inside Digikam.
>> It surely depends on *you* and how you want things to look. :-)
>> Personally I have my pictures arranged in a hierarchy of decades,
>> years etc.  E.g. I have:-
>> pictures
>>     1980s
>>         1980
>>             Aug - Arrive in Oman
>>             Oct - Ras al Hadd "Turtle Beach"
>>         1981
>>             ...
>>             ...
>>             ...
>>     1990s
>>         1990
>>             ...
>>             ...
>> The only problem with this (which you can see above) is that Digikam
>> arranges the folders alphabetically just like the default ls sort does
>> (which is how I got the above list).  I have a patched version of
>> Digikam which arranges folders in date order (that's the Digikam date
>> for the folder) so if I set the date in the folder properties in
>> digikam I get the folders with month names in the right order.
> This could be solved by naming in ISO format: 20080901 - Trip to Susan's.
> This is the way I do it, and it works.

I use this "convention", for my photos and for my family photo:
Shared photos
       2007-01-15 Description of this set
       2007-03-07 A different description of this set
       2008-02-06 Birthday
Work and experiments
       2007-01-09 Description of this set
       2007-02-15 Description of this set
       2007-03 A lot of work
          2007-03-15 First set
          2007-03-16 Second set

I group my set of shots in monthly set only if I have a lot of shots and
have to find them in a short time.

Anyway, I always use the "yyyy-mm-dd short description" format for my
directories because I want all my date information attached to the
directory, so I can find them even if I put it in the wrong year
directory or if I copy them on a CD/DVD to give to a friend.

My parents (62 an 65 years old) and my brother use the same conventions
and we are happy with it, because we can exchange photos between each
other without messing around our personal collection. My brother uses
digikam too, but my parents use iPhoto on two old iMacs, and this way
they always know where to put their photos.

Don't think there is something to change in digikam, I love that it
leaves to us the freedom to organize our collection to our way.


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