[Digikam-users] Storing tags in Akonadi?

Colin Guthrie gmane at colin.guthr.ie
Thu Sep 4 17:04:52 BST 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> After 0.10 is out the door, would it be wise to consider storing tags
> in Akonadi? If the tags were stored in Akonadi, then they could
> integrate with Kontact, no? An example usage would be that I am
> looking at pictures of Kristina in Digikam, and I want to email her.
> Or, I am in Kontact looking at Paul's data, and I pull up pictures of
> him. This might also help lead to integration between Digikam and
> other KDE photo applications, such as KPhotoAlbum. As Akonadi is not
> KDE-specific, even F-Spot could then adopt Akonadi integration.
> Let me know everyone's thoughts on the matter. Thanks!

I'm am very interested in Akonadi, and have brought this subject up 
several times over the last year.

I am considering Akonadi as a framework for the whole issue of 
synchronising content to online services such as Facebook, Gallery, 
Flickr, Picassa etc.

Last time I mentioned it, the discussion fizzled out.

I spoke with the Akondi devs last year at Akonadi and using it for PIM 
_media_ data did seem like a legitimate use to them, albeit not one they 
were concentrating on currently.

I also think it would be a good infrastructure for Amarok with it's 
services infrastructure but that's beside the point. I did discuss 
briefly with an Amarok dev about this too.

All in all I've had very little time to follow this up, but I think a 
digikam built on top of Akonadi could be very powerful.

It does require significant re-engineering tho', and it certainly wont 
be something that happens in the short term.

For me, a Nepomuk search that can be tied into an Akonadi layer would 
provide the "local" data needed to run digikam. Adding other services 
(like you do email accounts in a mail app) for Facebook and friends 
could allow the Digikam UI to display images from local and remote 
sources seemlessly. And obviously the sync layer would sit on top of that.

I'm just rambling now as I'm excited that someone else thinks this may 
be a good route! Sadly I've not found the time to concentrate on this 
and write more about it/research it etc.



Colin Guthrie

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   Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
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