[Digikam-users] Tutorial: Color Management, Camera Profiles, & Working Spaces

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 19:44:46 BST 2008

2008/6/2 elle stone <jrle1 at twcny.rr.com>:
> Hi Giles,
> My apologies if the tutorial was too long for the mailing list - I was a bit
> worried that it was too long.  I want digikam to be the best that it
> possibly can.  It doesn't handle color management correctly at present
> (bug).  And the handbook has a lot of errors regarding color management
> (documentation).  I can't program to correct software bugs.  But I can help
> write documentation regarding color management.
> I created a wiki account per your suggestion, but after five minutes of
> staring at the wiki, I still don't know how to post.  Please feel free to
> post my tutorial for me, or else give explicit directions for how I can
> post.
> Elle


I don't know why wiki do not work properlly for you.

Another suggestion is to patch the digiKam handbook. It's not very
complicated. hanbook use docbook format:


It's a text file based on xml with section/subsection. The file is here :


Why using docbook format and not another format like ODF ? because the
file content can be processed by script for the internationalization
process. docbook can be converted to others publishing format as PDF,
PS, RTF, ODF, etc.


All huge technical documentations done in opensource use this format.
Another typical case is pro-editing as OReilly...

You can make a first try, post me a patch and i can fix and commit
your work on svn for inclusion.


Gilles Caulier

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