[Digikam-users] How to build Digikam?

Arnd Baecker arnd.baecker at web.de
Sat Jul 12 12:11:25 BST 2008

On Sat, 12 Jul 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote:

> 2008/7/10 Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de>:
> > Dotan,
> >
> > the exiv2 issue we discussed on IRC today is solved in current svn.
> > Do
> >  cd kdegraphics
> >  svn up libs
> >  svn up cmake
> > remove the build directory and redo
> > (Actually, removing the CMakeCache.txt in there should be enough ....)
> >
> > Best, Arnd
> >
> Thanks, Arnd. I am trying to build with a script that basically runs
> the notes that you posted earlier. Don't laugh, I'm ME not CS :)
> #!/bin/bash
> # get sudo permission
> sudo ls
> # ### Modifiy according to your destination:
> export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
> export LANG=C
> export KDEDIRS=$DIGIKAMKDE4:/usr/lib/kde4/
> export PATH=$DIGIKAMKDE4/bin:$PATH
> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$DIGIKAMKDE4/lib/pkgconfig
> ##Checkout KDE4 version
> echo "--kde--"
> # exiv2
> wget http://www.exiv2.org/exiv2-0.17.1.tar.gz && \
> tar xzf exiv2-0.17.1.tar.gz && \
> cd exiv2-0.17.1 && \
> ./configure --prefix=$DIGIKAMKDE4 && \
> make && \
> sudo make install && \
> # http://lensfun.berlios.de
> svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/lensfun/trunk && \
> ./configure --prefix=$DIGIKAMKDE4 && \
> sudo make install && \
> # kdegraphics libs svn source for KDE4
> # (includes libkipi, libkdcraw, libkexiv2, libksane) :
> echo "--kde-graphics--" && \
> svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics && \
> cd kdegraphics && \
> echo "--kde-graphics-- up libs" && \
> svn up libs && \
> echo "--kde-graphics-- up cmake" && \
> svn up cmake && \
> # Checkout the latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins SVN source for KDE4:
> echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins--" && \
> cd .. && \
> svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/graphics && \
> cd graphics && \
> echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up digikam" && \
> svn up digikam && \
> echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up kipi-plugins" && \
> svn up kipi-plugins && \
> echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up cmake" && \
> svn up cmake && \
> # Installation for KDE4 in your system (/opt/kde4)
> cd .. && \
> #To compile the source code under linux you have to give these
> commands in the source code folders. You should use a seperate build
> folder to help cleaning up sources if something goes wrong.
> echo "--to compile soure--" && \
> #cd ~/NBB/INSTALL_SOFTWARE/DIGIKAM4/kdegraphics/ && \
> #rm -rf build && \
> #mkdir build && \
> #cd build && \
> # next two lines added as per irc conversation:
> mkdir /home/hardy/digikam-notes/exiv2-0.17.1/kdegraphics/build && \
> cd /home/hardy/digikam-notes/exiv2-0.17.1/kdegraphics/build && \
> # next line I modified
> echo "--to compile soure--cmake" && \
> ../../kdegraphics && \
> echo "--to compile soure--make" && \
> make && \
> echo "--to compile soure--make install" && \
> sudo make install && \
> #Now for digikam itself:
> echo "--digikam--" && \
> cd ~/NBB/INSTALL_SOFTWARE/DIGIKAM4/graphics/ && \
> mkdir build && \
> cd build && \
> rm CMakeCache.txt && \
> echo "--digikam--cmake" && \
> ../../graphics && \
> echo "--digikam--make" && \
> make && \
> echo "--digikam--make install" && \
> sudo make install && \
> echo "--done!!!--"
> I run the script in an otherwise empty ~/digikam-notes directory. The
> script gets up to the last part (#Now for digikam itself:) and then
> complains:
> -- Installing: /home/hardy/NBB/SOFTWARE/DEV_digikam4/include/libkexiv2/version.h
> --digikam--
> ../build_digikam: line 89: cd:
> /home/hardy/NBB/INSTALL_SOFTWARE/DIGIKAM4/graphics/: No such file or
> directory
> hardy at hardy-laptop:~/digikam-notes$
> I can manually make that directory, but it does not help. Note that
> ~/NBB does not exist when I start the ./build_digikam script, and is
> created and owned by root when the script is done.
> What have I done wrong?

Not much ;-), you just took my notes a bit too serious...
is a path on my machine, where I put all software installation
related stuff (actually, I even forgot, why I used NBB, maybe
this stands for NotBeingBackupped or so ...).
So you need to adjust this to  the path where your
graphics checkout is done. Even better would be
to just to everything relative (i.e. with cd .. etc.,
as you did before).
Then it should hopefully work fine ...

Best, Arnd

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