[Digikam-users] How to build Digikam?
Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 11:15:30 BST 2008
2008/7/10 Arnd Baecker <arnd.baecker at web.de>:
> Dotan,
> the exiv2 issue we discussed on IRC today is solved in current svn.
> Do
> cd kdegraphics
> svn up libs
> svn up cmake
> remove the build directory and redo
> (Actually, removing the CMakeCache.txt in there should be enough ....)
> Best, Arnd
Thanks, Arnd. I am trying to build with a script that basically runs
the notes that you posted earlier. Don't laugh, I'm ME not CS :)
# get sudo permission
sudo ls
# ### Modifiy according to your destination:
export PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/bin/:$PATH
export LANG=C
export KDEDIRS=$DIGIKAMKDE4:/usr/lib/kde4/
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$DIGIKAMKDE4/lib/pkgconfig
##Checkout KDE4 version
echo "--kde--"
# exiv2
wget http://www.exiv2.org/exiv2-0.17.1.tar.gz && \
tar xzf exiv2-0.17.1.tar.gz && \
cd exiv2-0.17.1 && \
./configure --prefix=$DIGIKAMKDE4 && \
make && \
sudo make install && \
# http://lensfun.berlios.de
svn checkout svn://svn.berlios.de/lensfun/trunk && \
./configure --prefix=$DIGIKAMKDE4 && \
sudo make install && \
# kdegraphics libs svn source for KDE4
# (includes libkipi, libkdcraw, libkexiv2, libksane) :
echo "--kde-graphics--" && \
svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdegraphics && \
cd kdegraphics && \
echo "--kde-graphics-- up libs" && \
svn up libs && \
echo "--kde-graphics-- up cmake" && \
svn up cmake && \
# Checkout the latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins SVN source for KDE4:
echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins--" && \
cd .. && \
svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/extragear/graphics && \
cd graphics && \
echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up digikam" && \
svn up digikam && \
echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up kipi-plugins" && \
svn up kipi-plugins && \
echo "--latest digiKam and Kipi-plugins-- up cmake" && \
svn up cmake && \
# Installation for KDE4 in your system (/opt/kde4)
cd .. && \
#To compile the source code under linux you have to give these
commands in the source code folders. You should use a seperate build
folder to help cleaning up sources if something goes wrong.
echo "--to compile soure--" && \
#cd ~/NBB/INSTALL_SOFTWARE/DIGIKAM4/kdegraphics/ && \
#rm -rf build && \
#mkdir build && \
#cd build && \
# next two lines added as per irc conversation:
mkdir /home/hardy/digikam-notes/exiv2-0.17.1/kdegraphics/build && \
cd /home/hardy/digikam-notes/exiv2-0.17.1/kdegraphics/build && \
# next line I modified
echo "--to compile soure--cmake" && \
../../kdegraphics && \
echo "--to compile soure--make" && \
make && \
echo "--to compile soure--make install" && \
sudo make install && \
#Now for digikam itself:
echo "--digikam--" && \
mkdir build && \
cd build && \
rm CMakeCache.txt && \
echo "--digikam--cmake" && \
../../graphics && \
echo "--digikam--make" && \
make && \
echo "--digikam--make install" && \
sudo make install && \
echo "--done!!!--"
I run the script in an otherwise empty ~/digikam-notes directory. The
script gets up to the last part (#Now for digikam itself:) and then
-- Installing: /home/hardy/NBB/SOFTWARE/DEV_digikam4/include/libkexiv2/version.h
../build_digikam: line 89: cd:
/home/hardy/NBB/INSTALL_SOFTWARE/DIGIKAM4/graphics/: No such file or
hardy at hardy-laptop:~/digikam-notes$
I can manually make that directory, but it does not help. Note that
~/NBB does not exist when I start the ./build_digikam script, and is
created and owned by root when the script is done.
What have I done wrong?
Dotan Cohen
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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