[Digikam-users] How to build Digikam?

Andi Clemens andi.clemens at gmx.net
Tue Jul 8 21:08:51 BST 2008

ok, you requested a RTFM:



On Tuesday 08 July 2008 21:54:30 Dotan Cohen wrote:
> In KDE 4.1 beta 2 I am trying to build Digikam 0.10 beta running on
> Kubuntu 8.04. The Install file says that instructions for building can
> be found at http://techbase.kde.org/Getting_Started/Build/KDE4 however
> I don't see them. I thought that the link marked "Set up KDE 4 for
> development" would help, but I still don't see how to build Digikam. I
> looked on the Digikam FAQ, wiki, and online documentation. I have
> installed the build-dep as suggested on the wiki, but after that I
> don't know what to do. I tried running "./configure" but there is no
> configure script.
> Thanks in advance for any help in building Digikam, or a RTFM with a
> link to detailed instructions.
> Dotan Cohen
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> Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
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