[Digikam-users] Timeline view feedback

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at gmail.com
Sat Jan 26 17:45:48 GMT 2008

2008/1/25, Gandalf Lechner <gandalf.lechner at esi.ac.at>:
> Am Freitag, 25. Januar 2008 08:16:59 schrieb Gilles Caulier:
> > > > Totally agree. You is not alone to report this viewpoint. There are
> few
> > > > pending task to finalize code as well (outside cursor and
> selection),
> > >
> > > and
> > >
> > > > after i will merge selection area with cursor...
> >
> > Done in svn. Checkout source code and try again. Let's me hear your
> > viewpoint...
> Wow, impressive how fast development can be!
> I like the current version better than the last one, since the visual
> appearance of the two parts of the cursor has been unified. However, the
> functionality apparently remained unchanged: One still has to use the
> small
> bottom part of the cursor for selections, and the big top part mainly for
> counting images without filtering the thumbnail view.

no. the cursor position follow selection. This is different.

I have processed also some optimization during selection. before, selection
take a while to recompute all internal date map selected for all decade.
Now, only current decade is updated in live and all others are processed
when you leave mouse button.

In my opinion, the following behaviour would be perfect:
> - Completely merge the cursor into a single object,

This is done but area to process selection is not the full cursor. Only
bottom place.

so that there is no
> distinction anymore between the top and bottom part (actually, why not
> throw
> away the bottom part).

not agree. navigating around whole dates and selecting date range are 2
different modes that i want to let...

- Give the complete cursor the behaviour which at the moment only its bottom
> part has, i.e. use it for selecting date ranges.

See before.

- Either keep the blue line at the bottom to indicate the current selection
> range, or give the selected "columns" a different color/look/background.

I have tested to colorize full histogram bar instead rectangle on the
bottom. It's wierd when count is very small : bar selected can be not very
visible. So, the current behaviours is always fine.

- Update the image count in the top right according to the number of images
> currently selected, not the number of images in the column which is
> currently
> occupied by the cursor.

Total count of current slection is given on the status bar.

- Update the date in the top left according to the current selection time
> range, e.g. "2005-2007" or "03.-08.2006"

Text can be too long, especially if sidebar bar size is small...

- Maybe provide a vertical axis with a scale for getting a quick idea about
> the relevant number of images involved.

Ah, resizing widget vertically... Perhaps, it's easy to do... I will take a

This is, of course, just my idea about a perfect timelineview ...
> One more thing: The boundaries of the timeline are for some reason chosen
> to
> far in the past/future. In my collection, I have images dating from 1977
> to
> 2008. However, the timeline starts from 1971 and ends at 2016. Is this
> intended?

yes, i use the central position of the widget to limit movement on the left
or on the right accordingly with the lower/higher date  extracted from
Database. I test if lower/higher dates become on center of widget and this
can give large border on the letf or on the right. I will study an
alternative way later...

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